Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cavities, Remove Or Treat?

Is there a hole in your tooth? Or even've never felt the toothache, aching, and dental crown is porous and not whole anymore. So what action is performed, taking medication, or attach a patch on the cheek, went to the dentist or even left alone until the pain goes away by itself?

If teeth have large cavities, especially if you've never been sick and disturbing, most people probably would think the problem will be completed. Especially, coming to the dentist and asked that the tooth will be revoked only. Or, when it does not hurt longer be left alone. Moreover, no complaints nothing, it means the tooth has healed. But actually not the case.

Perforated teeth that would cause throbbing pain when it reaches the pulp chamber whose contents is a network of nerves and blood vessels. If untreated, infection can spread to tissue under the tooth and cause an abscess. Abscesses containing pus, and causes swelling in the gums. In certain cases this can be very large abscess until cheeks become swollen. Gigi who is sick and suffered abscesses may not be immediately revoked because of infections that occurred were in the acute phase. The pain and abscesses must be appeased first, by taking antibiotics as prescribed.

Drinking a painkiller that can be easily purchased at drug stores or pharmacies may be powerful to repel the excruciating pain. But do not eliminate tooth infection that occurs in the cause. One time the pain will probably arise again, as long as the causes are not treated the teeth thoroughly.

Cavities that had been spontaneous throbbing pain and left untreated then the pain is gone, it is probable that tooth nerve is dead. In other words, a tooth infection has reached the area at the root tip and cause abscesses. Revocation is the latest treatment options. Moreover, when conservative and preservative action can no longer be done.

Disconnect Complete Dental Problems?

Are there any disadvantages when one tooth is lost due to be revoked? Yet, still can eat. The smile is still okay, who lost her back teeth. Or the remaining tooth root to let it go, as long as no pain and no complaints means no problem. It may be, so most people thought. How real?

Take the example of the removed tooth is one of the lower molars. Over time, the antagonistic teeth (upper molars) can go down and elongated because his opponent did not have teeth. Style chewable we cause tooth tends to be more advanced with age. That is why the position of teeth is not always permanent.

Perhaps also the position of teeth when a person reaches old age experiencing changes when compared to when they were young. Next to the gear teeth removed can also change the position, which is tilted toward the missing tooth. Initially, the impact may not be too pronounced. However, this condition will interfere with the function of chewing and in some severe cases can cause changes in the position of other teeth to discomfort in the jaw joints.

Because there are missing teeth, usually chew on that side so uncomfortable. As a result of chewing only on one side only. In fact it is harmful because the sides are not used to chew even more dirty than the side that is used for chewing. This is because the flow of saliva on the side a little more.

Mastication will stimulate the release of saliva. The presence of saliva is very important, one of its functions is to rinse away dirt and food scraps. Characteristics of people who chew one side is formed tartar more on the side that is not used for chewing.

Root Channel Treatment

Cavities that have reached the pulp no longer be simply covered with patchwork materials. Previously, to do root canal treatment (endodontic treatment or root canal treatment). Root canal should be cleaned so sterile and free from infectious germs. Then, the root canals are filled with root canal filling material for preventing bacterial contamination.

After passing a few days and when the patient came to control no complaints, the gaping hole in the tooth is covered with a restoration. There are several types of restoration that can be selected, depending on the condition of the teeth. Crown erect walls still intact patches can be made with metal castings done in the lab, or crowns are a lot of imitation when the network lost a tooth crown.

Indeed, this treatment requires patience from both dentists and patients. Therefore, the solution usually requires more than one visit. The cost is not too small. But at least it can extend the life of the tooth in the mouth.

In conclusion, the decision to answer the question that became the title of this article in your hands.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cure nearsightedness and farsightedness with Gymnastics Eye

People say the city could have a higher risk than people have eye defects that exist in the village. The fact is that most people in town spend a lot of time working or being in a place that is not much visibility. Examples of activities is like working at the computer, reading books, working in confined spaces are narrow, and so on.

It is precisely because it can punish our eyes constantly have to look at a short distance without much to see long distances. As a result our eyes that had no problems seeing distant now become blurred if you look at objects located in remote areas. Seeing stars high in the sky became luminous shaded.

For that one must pay attention to eye health by balancing our visibility between the far and near. Keep your distance and immediately break eye if it is too long to see close to our eye muscles are not stressed and stiff. In addition, one way to keep the eye visually impaired do not have the disease is by avoiding activities that damage the eye, such as:

1. Read while sleeping
2. Reading in places with less lighting
3. Reading too long
4. Consume less vitamin A
5. Too old to work on the computer.
6. Watching tv is too close
7. Play the game with a big TV and a short distance
8. Too many widescreen movies, etc..

In order to overcome a little tired eyes or eye stress that can result in eye defects such as nearsightedness / miopi / min and farsighted eye / hyper metropi / eyes plus, eye fatigue can be a little assisted by doing eye exercises exercises to stimulate the eye muscles to contract for well.

Practice eye exercises might be able to treat / cure eye minus / plus farsightedness and eye / nearsightedness that will free you from glasses and contact lenses are sometimes boring and annoying. Free from obvious eye glass is the dream of most people with eye disorders. And they do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to have eyes that are normal and healthy.

EXERCISE 1: Eyes Glancing left and right

Exercise is good eye exercises to help stimulate your eye muscles for the eye to eye muscles can be concave well and not rigid. The trick is to:

1. The view straight ahead.
2. The right hand is on the right body parallel to the neck.
3. Index finger held up to the top.
4. See your fingertips with the focus turned to the right way.
5. Look after your face to the left slowly without losing sight of your focus to the last finger.
6. Hold eye view when it was already maximal.
7. When your eyes are tired release with a distant view.

- Perform different directions as to the left, take, top, top right, bottom right, top left, bottom left, and so forth.
- The possibility to create a feeling of dizziness and nausea. That's the sign of your eyes need exercise.
- If you rest your tired eyes by looking away or shut his eyes while sleeping.
- Gymnastics is possible to treat nearsightedness nearsightedness and other eye defects and diseases.
- If you have trouble focusing you can try with the help of your glasses.
- Should not be too long, about 10 to 30 seconds, every glance.
- After eye exercises your eye may be somewhat uncomfortable to see objects close distance.
- This exercise should be frequently conducted in an open place a lot of trees far and near, but not that many people in public places or at work that needs concentration.
- Hopefully mines / your ples reduced. If you're feeling less replace your glasses so as not to wear glasses now that can restore your eye defects to normal.

EXERCISE 2: Focus Far Near Eye Views

The following exercise can help your eye muscles to move the focus distance and near focus. However, this exercise may make your eyes a little blurry again after doing exercise 1 above. Maybe it's good to pass up training two new first one, or just doing exercises for the troubled 1 only farsightedness.

1. The view straight ahead.
2. Right hand in front of the body parallel to the neck.
3. Index finger held up to the top.
4. See your fingertips with the focus.
5. Move your finger back and forth slowly and stay focused eyes follow finger movements.
6. After a few times back and forth with remove the eye to see distant objects.

- These tips may be more visible results in people whose eyes mines low.
- For the mines should not be forced higher because not bring results.
- The possibility of this exercise can cause dizziness and nausea.
- If you rest your tired eyes by looking away or brake while sleeping.
- Gymnastics may be able to cure nearsightedness,farsightedness and other eye defects and diseases.
- If you have trouble focusing you can try with the help of your glasses.
- This exercise should be frequently conducted in an open place a lot of trees but not that many people in public places or at work that needs concentration.
- Immediately contact your ophthalmologist if you experience interference.

Hopefully get-well with your eye problems. Avoid Drugs / Medicine eyes that do not have official permission from the body and food and drug supervision is not recommended by doctors. If the method of reflexology is fine. If after this exercise is severe eye exercises and contact your doctor immediately stop your pet.

Bleeding Gums !

Bleeding gums can be a problem ever experienced by most people. Generally the problem is recognized when brushing teeth. However, perhaps not everyone knows what the real cause of bleeding gums and how to appropriate treatment.

Bleeding gums can be caused by many things. The most common cause is the presence of plaque and tartar (calculus) that sticks to the tooth surface. Our teeth are covered with smooth transparent layer called the pellicle. Pellicle is colonized by bacteria called plaque. Furthermore, if not cleaned the plaque can undergo mineralization (hardening) to form tartar attached to the tooth surface. Usually tartar tooth found on the neck.

Tartar is not only attached to the tooth surface that looks (located above the gum line) but also can be attached to the tooth surface is covered by gum. Tartar on the surface there is usually also bacterial colonies. Colonies of bacteria in plaque and tartar which causes tissue damage dental buffer, starting from the gingiva (the gums that we can see). This condition is called gingivitis (gum inflammation). Because there is inflammation of the gums to bleed easily when subjected to mechanical trauma, such as a toothbrush or a toothpick. So, bleeding gums are early signs of damage to the gums.

If not promptly treated, the tartar can continue to grow so that the attachment of gum on the tooth surface becomes loose and formed pockets of the gums (called a periodontal pocket). This condition is also accompanied by bleeding gums and tooth supporting bone damage. As a result, if not immediately treated tooth to be rocking and finally date. This condition is called periodontitis.

Because the cause is a bacterial colony on the plaque and tartar, then the solution of this problem is to do the cleaning of plaque and tartar. Plaque can be cleaned by brushing your teeth regularly and correctly. Frequency of brushing teeth at least twice every day, the morning after breakfast and evening before bed. The direction of brushing teeth is from gum to the tooth. Brushing the teeth in the horizontal direction is not justified because it will cause tooth abrasion and gingival recession neck (maxilla gum seemed to rise up, lower jaw gums looked down, so that the tooth root surface visible).

Tartar can not be cleaned by brushing. So if there is tartar then need to come to the dentist to do scaling (tartar cleaning). Furthermore, the dentist will see up to where the tooth supporting tissue damage that occurs. If only there gingivitis, the act of scaling is usually sufficient. But when it happens periodontitis, periodontal treatment will be carried further. Should we come to the dentist every six months to conduct a thorough examination so that problems can be addressed early on.

Apart from tartar and plaque, bleeding gums are also associated with several diseases, including lack of vitamin C and blood disorders. Lack of vitamin C occur in people who do not eat vegetables or fruit in the long term. Gum in patients with deficiency of vitamin C becomes swollen, purple and bleeding. State of vitamin C deficiency is called Scurvy. How to handle is to provide vitamin C.

Blood disorders are usually associated with bleeding gums are leukemia and thrombocytopenia. Leukemia is a malignancy of white blood cells, while thrombocytopenia is a condition in which a decline in the number of platelets in the blood. In people with leukemia, gum terinfiltrasi by white blood cells are malignant. Clinically gums look bigger. Because the leukemia generally also occur thrombocytopenia patients with leukemia also the gums bleed easily. Platelets are one of the elements necessary for blood clotting. If the number drops to below the limit Prescription drugs online without a Prescription normal then the chances of bleeding is greater. Thrombocytopenia is a disease that can stand alone or part of another disease, such as dengue fever. So if accompanied by bleeding gums found other symptoms such as body fatigue, fever, weight loss, night sweats and others should soon come to the doctor to do further tests.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sensitive Teeth, Treatment and Maintenance !

In everyday human activities will not be apart of the following things: eating, drinking, smiling, laughing and frowning.

Surely it can not be separated from the role of functioning teeth to chew food, hold also for the benefit of facial muscles aesthetic / appearance of a person's face. Many patients complained to the dentist complaining of tooth ache / pains when drinking cold water, when breathing / in winter or when chewing food, to taste sour / sweet. Complaints that characterize the patient's teeth including sensitive. In some cases, sensitive dental care dentist successfully dealt with quite satisfactory.

Why do teeth become sensitive?

1. From the results of research experts in the USA, as much as 50-90%, patients with large pressure / excess when brushing your teeth. Habit of brushing your teeth with excessive pressure can make the gums become irritated or gum from the neck down teeth, over time the roots of the teeth will be open (gingival recession), neck cavities, the email layer would be reduced in thickness so that when drinking cold water, acid or sweet or even feather touched brush your teeth will ache.

2. Oral hygiene / poor state of oral cavity, the buildup of plaque / tartar, which is the "house" she lived many millions of germs in the oral cavity. Gradually tartar irritate the gums that can also be easily bleeding gums, bad breath also arise that are not "fresh".

3. Formation of tooth enamel coating is less than perfect (ename hypoplasia) can also occur in certain individuals. This situation will make the teeth become sensitive.

4. Food impaction / buildup of food debris in the area meeting with the gear tooth / teeth contacts. Time food is seeping in through the neck of the tooth and difficult to reach toothbrush so it will be difficult to remove, over time the cumulation will more and more, pressing the gum pockets deeper than normal.

Arising pain intermittent or continuously until the cavities arising at a meeting between the teeth. If this condition is left protracted teeth will be more porous and destroyed.

How to prevent sensitive teeth (sensitive teeth)?

To prevent tooth becomes sensitive, the key is to reduce excessive pressure while brushing teeth, using a toothbrush with the type of hair brush is not harsh and brush your teeth the right way.

Most patients who experience the above cases due to wrong brushing habits, namely by providing excessive pressure while brushing your teeth. The hope by giving the excess pressure will be obtained by clean white teeth but obtained is the reduction of gum (recession gigiva) so that the roots of teeth will be seen or even arise at the root of tooth cavities around the neck of the tooth. Habits like brushing your teeth at the top is very difficult to remove by the patient. But whatever the reason these bad habits must be eliminated.

In the above cases it is advisable to use an electric toothbrush (electric tooth brush / plaque remover). In an electric toothbrush there is a "sensor" pressure, which serves to stop the movement of a toothbrush in case of excessive pressure when brush teeth. Or use an electric toothbrush another model that provides warning lights / sound when brushing your teeth too strong.

Efforts to prevent periodontal disease is crucial in place to prevent the things that are not expected to safety tooth and gum tissue. It must be remembered that the recommended duration of rubbing is between 2-3 minutes and reach all tooth surfaces, using a toothbrush are eligible and how to rub the right to use toothpaste to taste.

Most patients brush their teeth less than 45 seconds, it's a very short time to obtain the results of oral hygiene is optimal. By the time a very brief brush of course there are areas not reached by the toothbrush, causing the deposition or accumulation of food debris, so there arose what is called plaque or tartar.

Treatment of sensitive teeth

The steps that need to be considered for patients who are sensitive teeth ;

1. Eliminate bad habits brush my teeth with excessive pressure.
2. Brushing your teeth with the proper way and time.
3. Using a type of soft bristle brush teeth / do not use soft bristle brush that is damaged.
4. Using toothpaste that contains strontium chloride / potassium nitrate / fluoride or rinse his mouth with mouthwash containing substances above. According to the researchers this substance capable of forming bonds and crystallization of porous-porous cover on the surface of the tooth crown that many nerve vessels (dentin tubule) / tooth root surface exposed, so as to eliminate complaints of sensitive teeth.
5. In the state of the tooth roots open / already incurred a hole in the neck dental fillings should be done.
6. In the case of tooth crown / thin tooth enamel (enamel hypoplasia) made plain jacket crown.
7. Using the compound oxalate or with bonding agent to cover porus-porus/tubuli dentin.

With so many cases above it is a usual complaint of patients who have the same time, always watching the steps that have been described. I hope with enforcing discipline in maintaining the oral health of all your complaints will be reduced or lost, the activity will be smoothly .***

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Leukemia is cancer that starts in blood-forming tissues. To understand cancer, it helps to know how to form blood cells are normal.

Normal Blood Cells

Most blood cells develop from cells in the bone marrow called stem cells. bone marrow is a soft material in the middle of most bones.

Adult stem cells into various types of blood cells. Each type of special job:

White Blood Cells

White blood cells help fight infection. There are several types of white blood cells.

Red Blood Cells
Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues throughout the body.


Platelets help form blood clots that control bleeding.

White blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets are made ​​from stem cells that the body needs them. When cells grow old or damaged cells, they die, and just take their place.

The figure below shows how stem cells can grow into different types of white blood cells. First, stem cell stem cells mature into either myeloid or lymphoid stem cells:

* A myeloid stem cells mature into myeloid blast. The blast could form red blood cells, platelets, or one of several types of white blood cells.

* A lymphoid stem cells mature into lymphoid blast. The blast could form one of several types of white blood cells, such as B cells or T cells

White blood cells are formed from different myeloid blast of white blood cells are formed from lymphoid blast.

Cell leukemia

In people with leukemia, bone marrow makes abnormal white blood cells. The abnormal cells are leukemia cells.

Unlike normal blood cells, leukemia cells do not die when they should. They may be people out normal white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This makes it difficult for normal blood cells to do their job.

Fact about Leukemia !!

* Leukemia is a cancer of blood cells.

* While the exact cause (s) leukemia is unknown, risk factors have been identified.

* Leukemia is grouped by how quickly the disease develops (acute or chronic) as well as by the type of blood cell that is affected (lymphocytes or myelocytes). Four main types of leukemia including acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) and chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML).

* People with leukemia are at significantly increased risk of infection to develop, anemia, and bleeding. Other symptoms and signs include easy bruising, weight loss, night sweats, and unexplained fever.

* The diagnosis of leukemia is supported by findings on medical history and examination, and blood samples examined and bone marrow under a microscope.

* Treatment of leukemia depends on the type of leukemia, certain features of the leukemia cells, the level of disease, and medication history, and the age and health of patients.

* Most patients with leukemia treated with chemotherapy. Some patients may also have radiation therapy and / or bone marrow transplantation.

* There is no known way to prevent leukemia.

* The prognosis of leukemia depends on several factors, including patient age, type of leukemia, and how far the cancer has spread.

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a young cheerful and powerful girl. A dreamer, a hard worker :)