Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cavities, Remove Or Treat?

Is there a hole in your tooth? Or even've never felt the toothache, aching, and dental crown is porous and not whole anymore. So what action is performed, taking medication, or attach a patch on the cheek, went to the dentist or even left alone until the pain goes away by itself?

If teeth have large cavities, especially if you've never been sick and disturbing, most people probably would think the problem will be completed. Especially, coming to the dentist and asked that the tooth will be revoked only. Or, when it does not hurt longer be left alone. Moreover, no complaints nothing, it means the tooth has healed. But actually not the case.

Perforated teeth that would cause throbbing pain when it reaches the pulp chamber whose contents is a network of nerves and blood vessels. If untreated, infection can spread to tissue under the tooth and cause an abscess. Abscesses containing pus, and causes swelling in the gums. In certain cases this can be very large abscess until cheeks become swollen. Gigi who is sick and suffered abscesses may not be immediately revoked because of infections that occurred were in the acute phase. The pain and abscesses must be appeased first, by taking antibiotics as prescribed.

Drinking a painkiller that can be easily purchased at drug stores or pharmacies may be powerful to repel the excruciating pain. But do not eliminate tooth infection that occurs in the cause. One time the pain will probably arise again, as long as the causes are not treated the teeth thoroughly.

Cavities that had been spontaneous throbbing pain and left untreated then the pain is gone, it is probable that tooth nerve is dead. In other words, a tooth infection has reached the area at the root tip and cause abscesses. Revocation is the latest treatment options. Moreover, when conservative and preservative action can no longer be done.

Disconnect Complete Dental Problems?

Are there any disadvantages when one tooth is lost due to be revoked? Yet, still can eat. The smile is still okay, who lost her back teeth. Or the remaining tooth root to let it go, as long as no pain and no complaints means no problem. It may be, so most people thought. How real?

Take the example of the removed tooth is one of the lower molars. Over time, the antagonistic teeth (upper molars) can go down and elongated because his opponent did not have teeth. Style chewable we cause tooth tends to be more advanced with age. That is why the position of teeth is not always permanent.

Perhaps also the position of teeth when a person reaches old age experiencing changes when compared to when they were young. Next to the gear teeth removed can also change the position, which is tilted toward the missing tooth. Initially, the impact may not be too pronounced. However, this condition will interfere with the function of chewing and in some severe cases can cause changes in the position of other teeth to discomfort in the jaw joints.

Because there are missing teeth, usually chew on that side so uncomfortable. As a result of chewing only on one side only. In fact it is harmful because the sides are not used to chew even more dirty than the side that is used for chewing. This is because the flow of saliva on the side a little more.

Mastication will stimulate the release of saliva. The presence of saliva is very important, one of its functions is to rinse away dirt and food scraps. Characteristics of people who chew one side is formed tartar more on the side that is not used for chewing.

Root Channel Treatment

Cavities that have reached the pulp no longer be simply covered with patchwork materials. Previously, to do root canal treatment (endodontic treatment or root canal treatment). Root canal should be cleaned so sterile and free from infectious germs. Then, the root canals are filled with root canal filling material for preventing bacterial contamination.

After passing a few days and when the patient came to control no complaints, the gaping hole in the tooth is covered with a restoration. There are several types of restoration that can be selected, depending on the condition of the teeth. Crown erect walls still intact patches can be made with metal castings done in the lab, or crowns are a lot of imitation when the network lost a tooth crown.

Indeed, this treatment requires patience from both dentists and patients. Therefore, the solution usually requires more than one visit. The cost is not too small. But at least it can extend the life of the tooth in the mouth.

In conclusion, the decision to answer the question that became the title of this article in your hands.

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