Friday, March 25, 2011

Kids Diarrhea

What Is it Diarrhea ??
Diarrhea is a condition where a person patients with bowel movements over and over again, watery stool and occasional vomiting. Diarrhea is also called (vomiting and diarrhea), vomiting, diarrhea or vomiting is leaking. Sometimes the stool also contain blood or mucus. Diarrhea causes body fluid drained out through the feces.

Is Diarrhea can cause death?

If the diarrhea patients lose a lot of body fluids then it can cause death, especially in infants and children under the age of five.

What causes diarrhea?

The most important causes of diarrhea are:
- Due to intestinal inflammation, for example: kholera, dysentery, other bacteria, viruses etc..
- Due to lack of nutrition for example: hunger, lack of albumen.
- Due to food poisoning.
- Because not resistant to certain foods, such as: the child can not stand drinking milk containing fat or lactose.

How the occurrence of diarrhea?

Diarrhea can be transmitted through feces that contain germs that cause diarrhea. Feces was issued by the sick or a carrier of germs that defecate in any place. Feces were polluting the environment such as soil, rivers, water wells. Healthy people who use well water or river water is already contaminated, and then have diarrhea.

How to help diarrhea?

Drink salt ORS to prevent dehydration of the body as a result of diarrhea. Drink ORS fluids as much as possible the patient would. A small pack of ORS dissolved into 1 cup cooking water (200 cc) If ORS does not exist make: SUGAR SALT SOLUTION. Take the tea water (cooked) 1 cup. Enter pressed two teaspoons of sugar, and the tip of a teaspoon of salt. Mix evenly and given to patients as much as she wanted to drink. If diarrhea is not stopped within a day or once a limp patients take it immediately to the health center.

How do I prevent diarrhea?

Defecate in the toilet, not in time, beaches, fields or any place. Wash hands before eating and after defecation. Drinking water and food are cooked Breastfeed your child as long as possible, in addition to other foods according to age. Bottle fed infants more vulnerable to diarrhea in infants who were breast fed from her mother. Stay tuned even if the child is breastfed children suffer from diarrhea.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How To Overcome Facebook Addiction !!

Facebook addiction is very dangerous. It is the people of Indonesia is an old hobby whose name Facebook.Not young not old everything hooked up. But the side effects that make users become addicted to Facebook. For students so rarely studied, rather than learning in class but instead facebookan, office workers, too, looked furtively from the boss to air-up fun. Finally, productivity is lowered. So with that word comes the term hazard alert facebook. Here are tips for reducing your hobby up your site according to google:
1. In self-conscious that your work is not only facebookan but there are other responsibilities are more important such as working, studying and hanging out with family.
2. Reduce and limit the allocation of costs for such money for facebook cafe (if in the cafe), toll-gprs (if the phone).
3. Realize that friends in the real world better than in the virtual world.
4. Hold yourself to not respond or make comments on Facebook.
5. Avoid playing games (games) that is on Facebook.
6. If you need help put computers in the family room so that its use can be controlled.
7. Busy themselves with useful activities such as extracurricular tutoring, sports and so forth.
8. Go on a walk with friends, friends and family. They are more important to get your attention.

10 Signs Addicted Facebook

Since its launch February 4, 2004, the social networking site facebook has captivated the hearts of millions of users. Starting school students, housewives, celebrities, to politicians, social networking now has a facebook. Thanks to advances in technology, now we can update your facebook status and comment on photos every time. It was, there are now
less if every day did not go to this site and do activities "facebook-ing."

Benefits facebook is not only socially, but also a means of communication, looking for work, to the campaign. Unfortunately busy fiddling with facebook make a lot of people now spend more time than work. No wonder that many companies have started implementing the policy of blocking the site was in office. A study also showed a link between facebook with the increasing divorce rate in England and Australia.

Well, if you include the people whose lives begin to be controlled facebook? Consider the following 10 signs.

1. Facebook has become the internet homepage on your computer or your laptop.

2. You change the status of more than two times a day and diligent comment on the change status of a friend.

3. List your friends already exceeded the figure of 500 persons and the other half is almost unknown.

4. When you're away from your computer, check your facebook via BlackBerry, iPhone or other smart phone.

5. Diligent reading a friend's profile for more than two times a day, although he did not send a message or to tag you in photos.

6. You change the profile photo more than 12 times.

7. You are reading this article while checking facebook.

8. You clean the "wall" to make it look old does not Log In to your Facebook Account.

9. You become a member of more than 10 groups and respond to every invitation though actually not interested.

10. You change your relationship status only to increase the popularity of facebook.

Some Additional Features ..

11. Most came to the office and the Most Fast Slow Home.

12. Sleep late and sleepy afternoon, eyes glazed as many stay up.

13. Most annoyed when i die Lights.

14. Computers / Laptop equipped for Fan cooller Online continues

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Food that Cause Headaches !!

Have you ever complained of dizziness after returning from the meal-eating, either after enjoying mutton satay, or barbecue? Sudden head-senut senut, when the air was so hot, or you sleep enough? Is it true that the food be the cause? Because you feel not too often enjoy a meal like this fleshy; on ordinary days you tend to eat more healthy.

The experts argued, the likelihood of people experiencing headaches due to some particular food. Citrus fruits could trigger a headache, because people who eat them may lack the enzyme. This enzyme is needed to neutralize the amine in the diet. When food that has enjoyed a high amine levels but without the enzyme, that's when the headache began.

There is also a new theory which shows that when we are craving a certain food (certainly not while pregnant), when the body was giving a signal of impending migraine. Migraine is actually kind of predictable, because eating these foods may not trigger pain every time. These foods can also cooperate with other triggers (such as stress) that may be impacting the migraine.

Seeing so many food choices around us, perhaps we could begin to pay attention to anything that goes into our mouths. Notice how certain foods affect the body, so the next time you can avoid headaches. These are foods that are considered to be the cause of headache:

1. Old cheese, and cheese that contain tyramine, a natural substance that is formed when food age increases. High levels of tyramine has been shown to cause hypertension. Cheese in various forms, such as blue cheese, brie, cheddar, Stilton, feta, Gorgonzola, mozzarella, Muenster, Parmesan, Swiss, and other cheeses that have been processed often contain high tyramine.

2. Other foods are canned, or processed, high levels of tyramine him. If you do not really remember what you ate before, try to remember how your body's reaction if you eat pickles, olives, and canned soup. Nuts also contain tyramine which can trigger headaches, especially Fava, pinto, garbanzo, and green beans.

3. Alcohol, which can lead to headaches when digested in the body. Give more attention as you enjoy red wine, beer, whiskey, and champagne. These types of drinks that are identified as a trigger headaches.

4. There is still a huge list of other foods that can cause headaches and migraines. You may be surprised, because it turns out peanut butter, potato chips, pizza, fresh fruits such as kiwi, peaches, and raspberries, bread and biscuits, are some of them.

Identify five types of Headaches !!!

Be careful if you experience frequent headaches. Minor health problems could actually is one symptom of a larger disease.

This is something to do with the grouping of two types of headaches. The main headache is caused by the dysfunction or excessive activity of the features that are sensitive to pain in the head. In the second group, which is also more rare, is caused by underlying disease.

However, there are basically five types of headache, the emphasis departs from how the pain was produced. According to Clinical Methods, pain can also occur in every part of the head, including the skin, muscles, blood vessels, sinuses, teeth structure, and facial nerves.

Vascular, migraine causes

The pain caused by enlarged blood vessels in the head. The most popular type of vascular headache is migraine, which according to the American Headache Society, affects an estimated 28 million people in America. Migraine can recur, and if the new emerging will recover after 4-72 hours. The pain of moderate to severe, throbbing with a sense of which occur in one or two sides of the head. Other symptoms of migraine are nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound. As many as 3 out of 4 migraine sufferers are women. This means that more women who experience migraines than men.


This type of headache is another type of vascular headache. But the opposite of migraine, this disease more whipping men. The ratio is six to one, according to the Cluster Headache Support Group. The pain was so excruciating, can last for 15-180 minutes. It usually occurs on one side of the head, behind the eyes, or the temple area. Headaches usually occur at certain times, often during the hours of sleep, for 4-8 weeks.

At work, you'll often feel your neck and shoulders stiff. Sometimes followed by headache. This type of headache is often regarded as the tension of the muscles that tighten around the neck, shoulders, scalp, or jaw. The trigger is not just sitting the wrong way, but also stress, anxiety, or depression. Not surprisingly, these headaches are among the most common, with mild to moderate intensity. In some people, pain is also followed by a decrease in appetite.

This is the second order of headaches caused by a disease or disorder that produces inflammation in the head. Type headaches due to inflammation of the most common are headaches due to sinus, caused by inflammation of the sinuses and exacerbated by allergic reactions. Another cause of this type of headache is meningitis, which occurred inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.


Usually caused by lesions that suppress the structure and blood vessels in the head. Metastatic tumors (malignant tumors that spread to other body parts), abscess, or hematoma (blood-filled local swelling), can cause headaches of this type. The pain will be more severe in the morning, and become more severe when an infected coughing, urinating, or straining.

Know About Aging And How to Overcome It !!

All the people especially women would often hear the word of premature aging. Actually what is the meaning of aging? And what are the factors that cause premature aging? Can we protect the skin from premature aging does not happen to us? Well, so do not curious, constantly refer to the following info-info.

Premature aging is the process of skin aging faster than it should. Many people who begin to see the facial skin wrinkles at a relatively young age, even at the early age of 20. This is usually caused by various factors both internal and external.

Internal factors are usually caused by a disturbance of the body. For example, prolonged illness, and lack of nutritional intake. While external factors can occur due to sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoke, unhealthy foods and so forth.

Skin Structure

Scientific Facts About Skin

1. At a young age, new skin will appear to the epidermal layer every 28-30 days. With increasing age, the regeneration process decreases rapidly. And after over 50 years of age in the process to about 37 days.
2. Dermis layer of skin is a layer of skin that is responsible for the nature of elasticity, and smoothness of skin. Serves food supply to the epidermal layer, and as a foundation for collagen and elastin fibers.
3. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production and improve the skin by improving the ability of parents dermal fibroblast cell proliferation.

Collagen structure
Collagen is the major component of the dermis layer of skin (the bottom of the epidermis) produced by fibroblast cells. Basically, collagen is a protein compound composed of long chains of amino acids more alanine, arginine, lysine, glycine, proline, and hiroksiproline. Prior to collagen, pro collagen formed beforehand.

When the production of collagen decreases with age, the impact is the increasing process of "dry skin" and the nature of elasticity. Dermis layer is in charge of the nature of elasticity and smoothness of skin (skin smoothness), which is key to the "younger" and has a beautiful leather (beautiful skin).
Skin Aging Process

Aging Process on Skin
Aging skin is basically divided into 2 major processes, namely aging chronology (Chronological aging) and 'photo aging'. Chronological aging is shown from a change in the structure, and function as well as the continuation of skin metabolic age. This process included, the skin becomes dry and thin; appearance of fine wrinkles, the skin pigmentation (age spots).

While the process of 'photo aging' is a process which involves reduction in collagen and elastin fibers of skin resulting from exposure to UV rays of the sun. Exposure to excessive UV rays can cause skin damage caused by the emergence of enzyme proteolysis of free radicals formed. These enzymes then break the collagen and connective tissue under the skin dermis.

So from our knowledge of the facts and the aging process of skin which is the cause of premature aging, we need to do the right action to deal with premature aging. One of the appropriate action to deal with premature aging are wearing the right antiaging products.

Ser-C, serum vitamin C is the right skin care products, useful to slow the aging process and disguise wrinkles (or wrinkles) facial skin.

There are some vegetables and fruits are believed to be able to prevent premature aging. Relatively inexpensive and easily obtainable. Want to know what? Here goes the list:

1. Cucumber
Vegetables named latin Cucumis sativus has been utilized for skin beauty care for thousands of years ago. Queen Cleopatra touted very fond of cucumbers as ingredients to preserve beauty. The combination of water content, vitamin C and amino acids that make high cucumbers suitable for various types of treatment and maintenance of skin, eliminate acne to preventing premature wrinkles. Being combined elements phosphorus, folic acid and vitamin C in cucumber thought to dispel tension stress alias. You need to know, stress is a strong factor to accelerate the process of degeneration of body cells. Eliminate stress means slow down premature aging. Consumption of cucumbers for fresh vegetables or salad, or made masks.

2. Watermelon
Red and yellow fruit is rich in lycopene. Lycopene is a substance giving color to the fruit and vegetables belonging to the carotenoid group. Well, carotenoid compounds act as antioxidants which function to scavenge free radicals in the body. These free radicals that cause rapid aging process occurs. Free radicals makes the skin dry and flexibility is reduced, so that it looks wrinkled and sagging. Lycopene is able to fight free radicals and refresh the body's cells are lackluster. Want to stay young, eat red watermelon, because the content is much higher than likopennya yellow watermelon.

3. Tomatoes
Seductive red fruit is ripe when it is highly recommended a meal every day. Why? no other since a very high content of lycopene. If you want to look young always, do not hesitate to eat tomatoes. Can be juiced, or vegetable soup. Eat ripe fruit immediately also delicious.

4. Carrots
The fruit is special because it contains provitamin A (beta carotene) is quite high. In the body, beta carotene is transformed into a staunch antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals. In liver, this compound is converted into vitamin A that works nourish the eye. So in addition to lasting longer young, diligent eating carrots will make the eyes clean.

5. Potato
Latin name Solanum vegetables contain compounds useful tubrosum called alpha-lipoic acid. Besides good for heart health, this compound is able to maintain the youthfulness of skin. Research at Yale University Medical Center proves alpha-lipoic acid can eliminate garus fine lines and wrinkles that appear on the skin due to aging. In addition to delicious, potatoes can also be contrived mask. It is said that if diligently applied will make the skin look more Shat, youthful and radiant.

Blackheads, Pimples and Black Spot? This is the solution!

Facial skin is not smooth, often nauseating. There-there are problems that stop, such as pimples, blackheads, or black spots. If you have similar problems, find solutions here.

Blackheads facial skin, skin that usually is porous to easily covered with acne. Facial is appropriate steps to overcome them. Do facials every 2 weeks. But if blackheads look pretty, facials can be done once a week. But subtract the current portion of facial massage, so that no oil glands become more active and make the pores of blackheads quickly filled again. Also, keep the skin clean. Clean up every morning and evening, after the move.

Blackened acne scars or pockmarks that have not been too deeply penetrate the skin, can be overcome with a scrub to remove dead skin cells. Perform scrub twice a week or follow the rules of life. If the treatment step is conducted regularly, the skin will change little by little, until the skin a more healthy and smooth. But do not do this step as acne and inflamed skin, because it can cause irritation and inflammation expands. Also, use soap also contains glikolic containing acid or AHA, to remove skin cells snuff.In order to the acne not come to a black marks or become pockmarked, avoid squeeze pimples. This step can damage skin structures. The more the damage that occurs, the more the pockmarked, and will stay longer peels should be done.

Black spots or black head, occurs because of blockage of the pores. This condition is usually caused by the residual cosmetics, dust or sweat that is not cleaned thoroughly. This problem can be solved by way of facial scrubs. However, for easier and clean, preferably before in-scrubs, face-first on a steam to open pores. After the scrub, rinse your face with cold water or toner to close pores again. Do it twice a week. But, after missing a black stain, facial scrub once a week.

How Many Glasses of Water Should We Drink Every Morning ?

On the occasion of the press conference the campaign "Healthy Living From the Now" made by Danone Aqua, Dr. Samuel Oetoro, MS, SpGK revealed that in one day our bodies need at least 2 liters of water intake in order to keep moving and active. "Seventy percent of the organs of our body contains water. The brain contains the most water, so she needed water intake. If our bodies are dehydrated, the brain can experience delays think (slow). Not only the problem of cognition (thinking power) is affected when dehydration, but also physical problems and mood, "said Dr. Samuel.

Regarding the habit to drink water after getting out of bed, Dr Samuel express, "Generally we sleep around 6-8 hours every night. During sleep without waking during that time, we do not drink, of course, water deficit. During sleep the body was continuing to work to improve cell and there were also evaporation. It is advisable to drink water as much as 2 liters a day. But this does not mean drink as well. In the morning, so wake up, drink 1-2 glasses of water is enough. "

What happens if we drink water in large quantities at once? "The water we drink will go to the digestion and then absorbed by blood vessels. When we drink water in large quantities at once, what happens is the volume of blood fluid will increase. The blood will pass through the heart and kidneys. That is, the heart's workload suddenly gain weight, as well as kidneys. With overloading if done for years there will be health problems later in life. Indeed, each of us to drink plenty of water, while medical tests, like blood sugar and cholesterol, his impression is not high and look normal. In fact, it could happen because both the volume of dissolved water. The main problem and the value of blood sugar or cholesterol, so it is not detected correctly. Drinking 1-2 cups of water will suffice, because the function to return the body fluids lost during sleep, "said Dr. Samuel.

Dr Samuel reminded to drink enough water about 2 liters per day, if any excessive activity, can add up to 2.5 to 3 liters per day by drinking a gradual manner. For example, in the morning 1 cup (250 ml), after breakfast 1 cup, 1 cup before exercise, after the move to drink again, and continue until you reach 8 glasses per day until bedtime.

Recognized Dr. Samuel, the habit of drinking 2 liters per day is not easy, but it could be done, "so often to drink before feeling thirsty to taste, and make it a habit. Unconsciously Eventually the brain will tell your body to take a drink. From now to live healthy to stay healthy until a later date. Perform about 6-8 weeks in a row strictly, then the body will feel the need to drink automatically. "

Why Time Fat Excess That naughty?

It's furiously working out, weight is a lot missing, but why there is still a stubborn extra fats that sag? According to health experts and physicians, could be the reason there are on your way to exercise.

"Most women assume that 30 minutes of exercise will change the shape of her body, but in fact it does not happen automatically," said Geralyn Coopersmith, senior national manager of Equinox Fitness Training Research, as quoted from Prevention. The reason, if we focus and quite clever use of half an hour exercise, there are other things that can optimize the results of his training. Here are the tips:

1. Posture

Exercise a high level it can burn more fat, but it will not happen if you continue to hold on to the handle of the iron. More important to prioritize and focus on posture, even if this means reducing your exercise intensity. When you hold and the body arched forward, you'll use a little muscle and burn fewer calories.

Similarly, when doing strength training or weight lifting, body posture helps you burn more calories and train muscles better.

2. Exercising while dehydrated

When exercising, drink water is very important. Almost every cell in our body consist of water. Without the fluid, the brain can not function efficiently during exercise. That is, you will feel more tired and found it difficult to exercise. Dehydration reduces the level of anabolic hormones that your body needs to build strong muscles. In the days of exercise, drink about 2-3 glasses of about 1-2 hours before exercise. Then drink little by little during exercise and after exercise to restore fluids lost during exercise.

3. No focus during exercise

As you walk on a treadmill, what do you do? Reading books or watching television? If these things help you be motivated to move much faster, please do. However, please note, reading or do things that make you not focus in training can lead to reduced exercise intensity and thwart efforts to burn calories in large quantities.

Rather than read, reply SMS, or watch television while running on the treadmill, it's better to listen to the songs enthusiastically. According to research at Brunel University in London, runners who listen to the songs motivational rock or pop style can enhance the spirit of sport around 15 percent and feel more comfortable doing that sport.

4. Do not like sports activities

Though promising a lot of calories to be burnt, if you do not like the activity gym, you will not benefit from exercise. If you burn 300 calories every time you exercise, but you do not like their activities, the more likely for you to avoid the class every week.

Better to choose the style or type of exercise that you like instead of choosing the type that makes you feel obliged and forced to do so. Try searching for ways to make exercise more fun that you like, for example by referring friends.

5. Skip strength training

More than 80 percent of women spent strength training (lifting weights). Once the results of a survey conducted by the Goods Manufacturers Association. If you are one woman who also spent strength training, it could be a reason why you would not go the scales show weight reduction.

Strength training can promote metabolism, plus more, matching those of aerobic exercise and strength training than those who eat only a little cardio workout. Sports combinations can increase satiety hormones and encourages the body's ability to digest and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Utilizing The Residual Of White Eggs

Although the yolk is more often used in making the cake, do not rush to dispose of the egg white, yes. Still there are a myriad of ideas to use it.

1. Practical ways to save remaining egg whites in the freezer is poured into molds and frozen ice. Take a chunk of ice, egg white, put in plastic, then store in freezer. If you want to use, remove from freezer and store in refrigerator overnight to thaw. You know, 2 tablespoons liquid egg whites equals 1 fresh egg white, you know!

2. The simplest way to process the remaining egg white omelet is made sweet or salty omelet. No less delicious, really, with omelets using egg yolk! Or, it could also be a light snack, meringue.

3. Make a sweet omelet: Beat 100 ml egg whites until white, add 50 grams sugar as he whipped until fluffy. Add 2 tablespoons flour, stir well. Pour in a nonstick skillet, sprinkle with apple slices and cook until both sides cooked.

4. Making an omelet salty: 4 pieces thinly sliced ​​red onion, 2 cloves garlic, 2 stalks green onion, and sliced ​​cabbage. Give pepper and salt, mix well. Pour in a nonstick skillet that has been given 2 tablespoons margarine and cook until cooked.

5. Egg whites also can be varied to create different offerings, such as Sauteed Green Chili Egg White. How, steamed egg white, put 1 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon pepper, and 1 teaspoon instant bouillon. Enter in a heat resistant plastic bags, steamed until cooked. Chop the egg whites, stir while adding red chili, green chili pepper, soy sauce, and bay leaves. Well, be Saute Green Chili Egg White.

6. For beauty, egg whites also have a lot of services, you know! Beat the egg whites until frothy number, use as a face mask. When dry, wash the face. The skin will feel tight and fresh. Remember, do not use this mask if allergic to eggs, yes!

7. To cope with burns, egg whites can also be used. The trick, apply egg white to heat affected area, then wait until dry. If it still feels hot, apply an egg white back in the area earlier.

Papaya mask to Reduce Wrinkle Face

If you're like city people in general, stress is a part of everyday life you face. Stress not only affects the mental and the mind, but also on the skin. For those of you who do not always have extra money to do facial, try the papaya facial cheap from below.

Papaya has a similar enzyme alpha hydroxy acid that can help minimize wrinkles and reduce the effects of stress on the face. Here are tips from Daisy Tang, founder of Aspara Aromatics:


3 tablespoons of papaya that has been blended
1 / 3 cup uncooked oatmeal containers
1 tablespoon honey

How to manufacture:
1. Mix all ingredients together.
2. Align mask to all parts of the face and leave for 10 minutes.
3. Wash and clean the mask using warm water.

Seven Easy Steps To Come Long Hair !!

Some women have difficulty in lengthening hair. Not infrequently, how quickly such as 'hair grafting' (hair extensions) of choice. In fact, connecting the roots of the hair can make hair become brittle, causing hair loss problem.

Rather than adding new issues, better use natural ways to quickly make hair long. The following 7 steps to make ur hair long quickly !!

1. Vitamins
: Vitamins are needed throughout the body including hair. If the vitamins that you consume less, then by itself, nutrition received was not enough hair. If received less nutrition, the root of the hair will become brittle. Volume was more thinning hair. This makes it difficult to grow. If necessary, additional multivitamin / mineral supplements to complement your needs. Using a special hair vitamins can also be a good way out.

2. Check the hair tip: Do not forget to check the ends of your hair regularly. Branch and drought at the end of the hair is also one of the causes of difficult long hair. Nothing wrong to cut the ends of your hair 1-2 cm long on a regular basis each month (trimmed). It can also make hair beauty awake.

3. Overcome dandruff: Dandruff is one of the problems commonly experienced. The emergence of dandruff on the scalp will also make the hair brittle and fall out. So if dandruff appears, do not ignored. Use a special shampoo to overcome them. If the dandruff that appears more severe, you should consult a dermatologist.

4. Speed blood flow in the scalp: A lack of nutrients in the hair could be due to blood flow in the head which is not smooth. Nursing as creambath (scalp massage) can make blood flow in the head to be smooth. If you did not get to the salon, gave time to wash it longer. Massage your head from the base of the forehead to get back. Do not rub too hard.

5. How to comb: How to fix my hair should also be considered. Hair combed the wrong way to create broken and damaged hair. After shampooing, do not comb your hair with a comb brush, because it would make it broken. Choose the fork to comb fingers are rare. Make up back your hair when dry.

6. Keep it clean
: Lazy shampoo will make your hair hard long. In the shampoo also contained the necessary nutrients to grow hair. Also, let the dirt stuck to the scalp will make hair damaged. Minimum Wash every other day, for the scalp moisture is maintained.

7. Eliminate stress: Stress that you are experiencing also affect the health of the hair root. Metabolism is messed up because of stress will make hair healthy disrupted. Nothing wrong to relax and unwind for a while. Forget the mind and the burden that you experience. To the salon and doing hair and body care can also be a way out you to overcome the stress disappears. Hair and body more beautiful, your stress is gone.

The tips and Precepts To Care Hair

Hair is one of the important points in appearance Therefore, any maintenance must be considered. In hair care, there are things to do, but there is also a prohibition. To be more beautiful hair, let's follow some tips below.

1. Investments in product quality care. Buy shampoos, moisturizers, and hair nutrients from the label that has been recognized by many hairdressers success. Do not let your hair damaged by the wrong choice even care products.

2. Match your hairstyle with the hair situation. For example, who have thin hair, do not get a haircut of your choice will also make it increasingly looks thin and unhealthy. Consult this with your hairdresser before deciding to cut hair.

3. Every 6-8 weeks, get used to cut the ends of your hair. Usually uneven hair nutrition, will make the edges become more dry and branching. To restore its beauty, cut the tip of the hair is problematic.

1. Using a brush comb after shampooing and when hair in wet conditions will make the hair break and fall off. choose a comb that shaped straight with a tenuous link when the hair is still wet. After the hair is somewhat dry, you can use a brush comb.

2. Do not overuse hair dryer. This will make your hair dry and brittle. Should the hair dry naturally. After a half-dry, you can use a hair dryer with a low temperature. do not forget to use a special fluid (anti-frizz) before drying hair with hair dryers to be protected from excessive heat.

3. Do not use more than one chemical on the hair in a vulnerable period of one week. Suppose you curl your hair and paint on the same week. It will make your hair damaged.

Monday, March 21, 2011

6 Food More Important for Clear Skin Colour !

It's useless to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a skin-lightening products if they do not perform treatments from the inside. With good nutrition, healthy skin so it looks brighter and automatic. What foods must be consumed so that the skin was no longer dark and dingy?

1. Orange
All types of citrus fruit, including grapefruit, is a source of vitamin C, which have many benefits for the skin. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen and elastin in our bodies, which serves to reduce wrinkles and prevent aging skin. He is also believed to slow the production of melanin, the pigment that makes skin appear darker. Try to consume fresh orange once a day. In addition to oranges, tomatoes are also fruits rich in vitamin C.

2. Red and green vegetables
Spinach, carrots, broccoli, and his friends contain more beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant for the skin. In addition to preventing damage to cells, beta-carotene also be converted by the body into vitamin A which is useful to combat acne, produces new skin cells and make skin color look brighter and younger. It would be better if we get vitamin A directly from the food and not from vitamin supplements, because of excess vitamin A can actually interfere with our health.

3. Fish
This water creature is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are the main recipe for a sunny bright skin. In addition, eating sardines, tuna, or salmon are rich in protein can help protect skin from sun exposure and pollution. The protein contained in it helps the reproductive cells and make skin look radiant.

4. Avocado
Avocados are a source of vitamin E. He is useful to prevent aging and skin clean of all stains such as acne scars, dark spots, and other problems. Eating avocados regularly will also prevent the skin becomes loose with age.

5. Wheat
Can be obtained in the form of cereals and bread, wheat contains biotin which helps the body process the fat cells. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin and look dull.

6. Olive oil
Most healthy food for the skin? Salad of fruits and vegetables sprinkled with olive oil as a flavoring. These oils contain essential fatty acids to make skin look bright, luminous, and healthy.

5 Habits that Ruin Beauty Hair

Without realizing it, there are many daily habits that have adverse effect on hair health. In order for hair damage is not getting worse, try avoiding the following practices:

1. Combing wet hair
As quoted from, hair wet strength to be reduced. Combing hair with a comb brush after shampooing will actually make or break your hair loss. We recommend using a finger comb to straighten your hair wet. When dry, trim with a new bristle brushes.

2. Towel dry your hair with too tight
When drying my hair with a towel, do not scrub too hard. The reason is similar to the combing wet hair at the time: brushing your hair too tight will only make the break and easy branching.

3. Tying hair too tightly
The hair is tied too tight will become brittle. Hair Nutrition will not spread to perfection if always tied too tight. Tie your hair gently and tighten the ties sufficiently. It also can prevent hair from hair loss - due to be interested during the binding process.

4. Sleeping with the hair tied
The cells of the hair growth is more active when we sleep. Therefore, asleep in a state bonded hair makes the hair cells can not be active, and thus the beauty of hair is reduced. Sleeping with the hair tied can also make hair tangled in while awake. As a result, the hair will be less manageable.

5. Hair Dryer temperature too high
Dry your hair with too high a temperature will make it dry and brittle. Occasionally, dry your hair for the sake of arranging it does not matter. But you should not be done every day. Better wind-wind to dry hair. Some products also provide features hair dryer that lets you adjust the temperature as desired. Put on the lowest temperature to maintain healthy hair.

Head Massage and Other Tips for Dry Hair Fix !

Hair that is too often through chemical processing problems can arise, ranging from dry, damaged, and unsightly. Face the problem of dry and damaged hair due to excessive regulation with the following tips:

* Hydration is the most important. Perform maintenance with a hair mask once a week, apply on the hair shaft, let stand for several minutes, then rinse. Let your hair mask product that absorbs into the hair shaft and melembutkannya. For daily, you can use conditioner in the middle to lower end of the hair, select the appropriate type of conditioner to hair condition. This will help reduce the problem of hair tip branching, discoloration, and hair damaged by heat styling tools.

* Massage the head when you clean your hair with shampoo also can help to drain the blood circulation in the head and stimulates the oil glands. Stay away from hair products that contain high amounts of alcohol because it can add to severe drought.

* Avoid hair that is too tight, like a hair tie, bun, or braids that are too tight. Loose ties and hair accessories are not painful can also help prevent damage to the hair.

* Make all efforts to grooming as gently as possible. When in a state of damp hair, the hair is more vulnerable to damage, so reducing habits rubbing, combing, and hair menggelung being wet. Use rarely toothed comb to remove the tangled hair.

* Before restructuring, make sure you provide protection. Apply serum to hair from the heat shield before the arranged well before the move in the sun. When using a hair dryer, use the lowest level to minimize the effects of damage and dryness of the hair.

* Cut off the ends of your hair every 6-8 weeks to reduce the effects and problems hair tip branching.


Skin is the largest constituent of the human body organ that is located at the outside and cover the entire surface of the body. As it is located at the outside, the skin of the first to receive a stimulus such as stimulation of touch, pain, and bad influences from the outside. The function of the skin include: protecting the surface of the body, maintain body temperature, and remove certain impurities. The skin is also important for the production of vitamin D by the body from ultraviolet rays. Given the importance of skin as a protective organs in it, the skin should be kept healthy. Aside from being a protector body, the skin also has aesthetic value. Skin is clean and well maintained will look beautiful views.
Disorders of the skin often occur due to various factors, among others, climate, living environment, unhealthy living habits, allergies, and others. Some types of skin disorders including:

1. Eczema (Eczema)
Is a skin disease characterized by reddish skin, scaly, cracked, itchy, especially at night (dry eczema), arising from the small bubbles that contain water or pus, swelling, blisters, red, very itchy and feels hot

1. and excessive cold on the skin (wet eczema). Parts of the body which eczema is often attacked by the hands, feet, groin, and ears.
Eczema caused by allergies to certain stimuli such as chemicals contained in detergents, soaps, medicines and cosmetics, sensitivity to certain foods such as shrimp, fish, eggs, chicken meat, alcohol, MSG (MSG), etc. . Eczema can also be caused by plant pollen allergy, dust, climate rangangan, even emotional disturbances. Eczema is more frequent attacks on talented people who are allergic. This disease often occurs repeatedly or relapse. Therefore must be considered to avoid the things or materials that can cause allergies (alergen.)
2. Scabies (scabies)
Is a skin disease caused by parasites / mites that itch that is Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis. Scabies is more common in areas with poor hygienic and attacking people with less to maintain cleanliness of his body. Symptoms include: intense itching that arise at night, itching that occurs mainly at the sidelines of the fingers, under armpits, waist, genitals, around the elbow, aerola (the area around the nipple), and the front surface of the wrist . The disease is easily transmitted to another person directly for example in contact with the patient, or indirectly such as through a towel or clothing.
3. Ringworm
Is a skin disease caused by fungus. Symptoms among others, that is; skin becomes thick and circles arise, flaky, moist, watery, and itchy, then whitish spots. Ringworm usually arise from lack of hygiene of the skin. Parts of the body which are usually attacked by ringworm of neck, neck, and scalp.
4. Boils (furuncles)
Boils are skin infections in the form of a lump, looking flushed, which will be enlarged, containing pus and feels hot, it can grow in all parts of the body, but usually grow in moist parts of the body, such as: neck, folds arms, or groin, scalp. Ulcer due to Staphylococcal aureus bacterial infection of the skin through hair follicles, oil glands, sweat glands which then lead to local infections. Factors that increase the risk of ulcers include poor hygiene, infected wounds, the weakening of diabetes, cosmetics that clog pores, and the use of chemicals.
5. Measles (Rubella)
Is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus, and usually attacks children. Symptoms of this disease are fever, sneezing, runny nose, headache, body feels lethargic, no appetite, and inflammation of the eye. After several days of these symptoms are itchy red rash appears, growing larger, spreading to several parts of the body.

Juvenile Delinquency, Causes, and tips to deal with

Juvenile delinquency in the modern era has exceeded reasonable limits. Many minors who are familiar with Cigarettes, Drugs, Freesex, and involved many other criminal acts. This fact can not be diungkuri again, you can see the brutality of today's teenagers. And I had never seen with my own eyes when a high school freshman in my kompelks, captured / arrested POLICE due to become a dealer Gele, or the more we are familiar with marijuana.

This can all happen because of juvenile delinquency factors follows:

- Lack of parental affection.

- Lack of supervision from parents.

- Association with friends who are not peers.

- The role of science and technology developments that have a negative impact.

- Absence of guidance from the school's personality.

- The basics of religion are less

- Absence of media talent and hobby dealers

- Excessive kebasan

- Issues buried

And I can give some tips to overcome and prevent juvenile delinquency, namely:

- The need for affection and attention from parents in any case.

- The supervision of parents who do not curb. for example: we can just let her do anything that is still reasonable, and if according to our surveillance he had passed a reasonable limit, we as parents need to tell him the impact and consequences that must bear if he keeps doing things that have passed these limits.

- Let him hang out with friends my own age, the age difference is only 2 or 3 good years older than him. Because if we let him hang out with my teammates who really do not age, which is definitely a different lifestyle, so he can carry a lifestyle that probably should not need him to lead.

- Supervision is necessary and intensive communication media such as TV, internet, radio, mobile phones, etc..

- The need for guidance in the school's personality, because that's where the kids spent more time than at home.

- The need for religious pembelanjaran done early, such as worship and visiting places of worship in accordance with faith belief.

- We need to support the hobby he wants as long as it is still a positive for him. Do not we prevent his hobby as well as the opportunity he developed a talent that she likes as long as is Positive. Due to forbid to interfere with the personality and confidence.

- You as parents should be a comfortable place to chat to your child, so you can guide him when he is facing a problem.

Eliminating Lazy ?? Why Not ??

Lazy can be avoided when it comes to attack our will and spirit, here are a few tips include:

1. Wash your face or shower when drowsiness attack.
2. Changing sitting position while reading. For example, from sitting turned into a stand, but it is advisable not to continue to lie down from sitting can be dangerous or excessive sleeping.
3. Switching from the reading room into another room. If as a child boarding disiasati, switching from our room to the veranda boarding house, living room or could even be too into the kitchen.
4. Inhaling the fresh air by standing near a window or open the windows of other rooms to add freshness. As a child boarding disiasati by creating aroma therapy, such as by spraying the room with perfume, and if there is a fan, can set the fan to spread the scent into any room. Because not all children have a dorm room window.
5. Take a walk around the house briefly. Can be replaced with other activities such as tidying the messy shelves, or other activities that can move our muscles.
6. Chatted briefly with family or friends about it permissible sekos but not keharoman. Be careful not to forget the main purpose of talking is to foster the spirit, not to talk even to backbiting.
7. Stand to make a cup of coffee, tea, milk or juice to eliminate boredom and clear sense.
8. Changing activities of obedience. Eg bored memorizing letters changed to read, if read bored can be replaced by listening to the study via CD.

Those are some tips so that we can furthest from spring fever. But most of all let us not forget to pray for Allah always give us a spirit and for distancing ourselves from diseases such lazy. Wallohu bishowab knows best.

Hopefully the above tips can be useful for the writer or the reader. Goodbye Lazy ...

Dandruff can be overcome!

Dandruff is the excessive flaking of dead skin on the head. Most people feel lost confidence if dandruff. In addition, the dandruff is also one of the causes of hair damage. Therefore, dandruff should be addressed immediately.

Symptoms and Signs

1. Shaped flakes of dead skin that looks white and greasy hair and shoulders that pollutes.
2. Scaly scalp.
3. Itching of the scalp.

In line with the growth of skin, the outermost cells of the scalp will be pushed out, where they eventually die and peel off from the head. Exfoliation is too small to be visible eye. In people dandruff, skin cells may die and be replaced approximately every 2 weeks. Whereas in people without dandruff, this cycle lasts 1 month.
As a result, dead skin cells will detach and accumulate in large numbers, which appear as small flakes, white or gray on the scalp.

Dandruff Causes

1. The skin is too dry.
Dryness of the scalp can cause the skin to peel off and form of skin flakes.
2. The skin is too oily.
Excessive oil on the hair can be a source of food fungus growing on the scalp, where the fungus will stimulate excessive flaking scalp and cause dandruff.
3. Too often or too rarely shampooing.
4. Stress.
5. The use of hair cosmetics excessive or unsuitable.
6. Excessive consumption of fatty foods.
7. Malassezia (a fungus that can cause seborrheic dermatitis is inflammation of the skin).
8. Psoriasis (accumulation of dead skin cells which Formatting a thick silver scales).
9. Craddle cap (seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp of the baby).
10. Dermatitis (skin inflammation) due to sensitivity to certain hair care products or hair dyes.

IT's Easier Preventing

1. Learning to manage stress.
2. Shampooing regularly 2-3 times a week. If the hair is oily, shampoo can be made every day and more secure if you use a shampoo that is not too harsh (mild shampoo).
3. Stop using hair styling products that are not suitable for the hair and can trigger dandruff eg hair spray, styling gels etc..
4. Eat healthy foods. Food can provide enough zinc (zinc), vitamin B and essential fatty acids that may help prevent dandruff.
5. Few bask in the sun because sunlight can help the process of prevention and cure of dandruff. However, if too long, the sun can damage the scalp and hair.

How to Overcome Dandruff

1. Clean the scalp with a gentle shampoo to reduce levels of oil on the scalp.
2. Avoid comb lend to others and vice versa.
3. Keep your personal items for always clean, such as combs, towels and pillowcases.
4. Keep your scalp and hair clean. Wash your hair regularly and massage the scalp.
5. Eat less oily and fatty foods and increase foods that contain zinc (zinc).
6. If the type of shampoo used to fail, use a shampoo or cream antiketombe that can be purchased freely in shops or pharmacies.

1. Anti-dandruff shampoo

The content of shampoo that can help overcome dandruff namely tar, salicylic acid, zinc, selenium sulfide, and ketoconazole. This shampoo can be used all the time or only 1 or 2 times a week, depending on the severity of the symptoms. If one of these shampoo only works temporarily and then dandruff persists, then replace it with another. Make sure also let the shampoo for at least 5 minutes for the active substance to work optimally before flushing

2. Cream
There is an additional treatment with two types of cream for reducing the dandruff of cortisone cream and antifungal cream.

3. If you've shampooed as directed using such products still showed dandruff then go to another doctor or dermatologist. Maybe you need a stronger shampoo or lotion treatment is with steroids.

Junk Food ,,Fast but Not Complete Business Solutions !!!

What the hell, foods including junk food? What about children who are accustomed to eating junk food menu?

Junk food is food that has little nutritional value, or nutritional content of food is actually pretty but it contains substances that are unhealthy if consumed continuously. "The first, a little nutritional content of food. For example, foods contain calories but little nutritional value other or incomplete, "says nutrition specialist from Pondok Indah Hospital, Jakarta, Dr. David Dawn P., MS, Sp.GK.

For example, an apple and junk food which both contain calories by 50 calories. Although both have the content of 50 calories, an apple also contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and so forth. While junk food which both contain 50 calories, has no other nutritional value (empty calories). Examples of sugar. "One tablespoon of sugar has calories equals one apple. But the sugar only contains calories, it does not contain the others. This is certainly not healthy, "said David.

Secondly, junk food is food that actually has nutritional content, but if consumed on an ongoing basis and in the long term become unhealthy. For example burgers, french fries, and so forth. In these foods contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and so on, but if every day we consume, become unhealthy. For example, because they contain good fats or saturated fats (saturated fat), contains too much salt, or is always accompanied by a lot of sugar. Or from the beverage in the form of soft drinks, bottled teas, and so forth. Which also includes food junk food is the food though fast food, like chicken nuggets.

Multipurpose Deep Fried

In addition to the owned content, the food is called junk food is also because of how its processing. "The way of processing effect. Junk food is usually prepared by frying, especially deep fried fry, "said David.

How deep fried frying will cause the emergence of unhealthy saturated fat. Junk food usually also ready to eat (ready to eat). For example, pizza is easily found on sale in supermarkets. "Enter into a microwave cook live alone. Surely, these foods contain substances preservatives. "

Fast food or fast food is the same. How fast processing and generally processed by frying. "There's no way prepared foods processed by steaming, because it certainly takes a long time (slow food) and it took a fairly technical. The fastest way is to fry, "continued David.

Diabetes Risk

So, what are the risk of eating junk food? Clearly, if most of the sugar, the edges can be affected by diabetes. Diabetes is a disease most evil with all its complications, the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney, and so forth.

Consumption of salt in large numbers and duration can also cause various diseases, such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke and some cancers. Not to mention the preservative substances which can also trigger cancer. "Consumption of saturated oils are also associated with narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which ends stroke and heart as well," said David.

Recommend Healthy Food

What about children? It was, today's junk food has become a daily serving most children of school age. In fact, the kids really is not recommended eating junk food.

Children have a longer lifespan than adults. If during his lifetime that is longer that the children ate more junk food and long, then the health risk will occur, although in the long term. "The 50-year-old most only eat junk food for a few years. The difference with children aged 10 years. If he continues to eat junk food until the age of 50 years, mean 40 years he was eating junk food. Certainly the risk of various diseases is greater, "he continued.

The children love junk food because it tastes spicy (spicy and tasty). "Pain is due to put a lot of spicy flavor to it. High salt, a lot of sugar, and fat. Not to mention the matter of taste and other preservatives. This produces an artificial flavor, "David said, adding many factors that cause children to consume junk food. "Could be, parents know that the food served are unhealthy, but because of busy, until the house was tired, and then no longer possible to prepare healthy foods that slow food. So many factors, from environment to practice in the family, "he added.

To prevent children from junk food, since little should they be introduced to healthy foods. For example, get children to eat vegetables and fruit. No need to import fruit, local fruits are good as well. "Parents also need to give examples, do not get kids to eat vegetables, but they do not," explained David.

Vitamin supplements can be given, although not a requirement. If the food served is complete, vitamins actually not necessary. Except in certain circumstances, such as child illness, fatigue, and so forth.

Must be Balanced

What about regional foods / traditional? Generally, traditional food is far healthier than junk food. However, some types of cuisine to watch out because they contain lots of fat and coconut milk. One example is the cuisine of Padang.

"Yes, must be balanced, not too much coconut milk. If too much coconut milk, eventually become unhealthy food. Vegetables also not be forgotten. Actually, other foods, like fried chicken, also have reduced fat, "said David as he stressed the need to present a healthy menu.

Healthy menu is a menu with balanced nutrition, such as those found in the food pyramid. In it are included, among others, carbohydrates, can of rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, noodles, and so forth. Then, there should be vegetables and fresh fruits. Side dish should contain protein, animal protein, vegetable, milk example : animal protein meat, eggs, chicken, fish. While vegetable protein such as beans (tempeh and tofu), as well as cheese or yogurt as a milk protein source. "Use the oil, salt, and sugar to taste. Just a little, do not need all the food with salt, "explained David.

Stayed Up Late Trigger Cancer ??

Did you know, stayed up late can cause various serious diseases. And, really staying out could be replaced with a nap?

If you've undergone a healthy diet and regular exercise, but doctors found several serious illnesses in your body, it could be your sleep pattern that became the base of the problem.

Negative Impact

People who are accustomed to staying up late (less sleep), usually will feel some effects such as:

- The condition of unstable emotions so easily offended, easily depressed, sensitive.

- Ability kongnitifnya disturbed that the accuracy, analytical ability, and creativity diminished.

- Sympathetic nervous system (the nervous system stress) increases and can cause blood pressure, blood sugar and appetite increases as well. So, for people who are in a diet program or did not want his body fat, it is advisable to not stay up.

Disturbance in the above not only applies to adults, but also children. "Many parents think, to maintain the condition of her son's body to stay healthy is by keeping her diet. Actually, this idea is not quite right. It is better, parents also maintain hours of sleep a child with a tight, because your metabolism work harder when we are asleep, "advises Andrew.

Age appropriate

Spend enough time during the eight hours of sleep? Andrew said, different ages, different also in the needs of hours sleep.

Age above 30 years need about 7-8 hours sleep. While the teens to young adults, 8.5 to 9.15 hours of sleep. And, primary and junior children need 10-11 hours of sleep.

With the proper sleeping hours, academic achievement and athletic ability of children will increase. This is in line with research by Mary Cash Kadon (pioneer of sleep research on school-age teenagers.) He said: Children who slept enough to have endurance, muscle reflexes, concentration, and the attendance is better.

Replace with Afternoon Sleep

The presumption should not take a nap in order not to stay up at night, is true. However, for people who've already stayed up late, it's good to change the hours of nighttime sleep by napping. The duration of a nap can be tailored to the biological needs.

Also avoid foods and beverages that contain high caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas, and sports drinks).

And, for those who like coffee, you'll want to consume coffee 12 hours before bedtime. Also, avoid exercising in the evening, because it would only make adrenaline (triggering the spirit of the brain to work) increases.

Got any Piket Body Clock

Apparently, the organ of our bodies work endlessly for 24 hours to keep the body metabolism healthy and neat.

This system is called the picket schedule body or internal body clock (circadian rhyth other name). If there is only one organ that does not operate properly, health problems such as obesity, diabetes, insomnia, depression, heart disease and cancer can occur.

Here's the explanation:

In the morning and afternoon, the body requires a lot of nutritional intake. So, do not miss the breakfast for the spleen to work optimally distribute the nutrients to be absorbed the body.

By at 1 pm to 3 pm, the regeneration of liver cells occurs. Here ward off heart disease. This lasted until 2 hours later until the disposal of toxins carried. Then, the next two hours, the process of brain growth and formation of bone marrow done.

At 7 pm to 9 pm, do not eat a heavy meal but do not skip dinner because stomach to keep working even though mild. So choose snacks.

Metabolic processes do not stop there, and this explains why sleep is so important. Two hours later, the process of disposal of toxic re-done. Should we rest or sleep to get optimal results.

Around 11 pm until 1 am, do not waste time by staying up late, the article of the gall bladder is in the process in the body detox. If you are forced to keep working or stay up, cardiac function is compromised.

Toxins produced by the new detox process will be disposed of at 3 in the morning. Of course, to obtain maximum results as well, this process must take place in a deep sleep state. Thereafter until 5 am, turn to the lungs remove toxins. If your lungs is interrupted, you'll be coughing, sneezing, and sweating on the clock. This means that the cleaning process had reached the respiratory tract.

Toward morning, familiarize yourself defecating on a regular basis, to remove food scraps found in the colon.

Stayed Up Late Vs Cancer

Steve Richard's research is reported by The Lancet Oncology (medical journal) states, an association of cancer and stay up. It is also revealed David Spiegel, MD., Which examined the sleep habits.

Two of these studies are equally conclude, if we do not meet adequate sleep, can cause hormonal imbalances that affect the immune system, particularly in the development of damaged cells that should be destroyed by immune cells.

The translation is like this, your metabolism increased in the morning and decreasing at night. When someone "forced" to stay awake at night, his body will pump as much blood as possible and encourage the immune system to enhance the immune cells like T cells (lymphocytes contained in white blood cells) and CD4 (immune cell present in lymphocytes).

If this is done continuously, body cycle regulated by the brain's biological clock (circadian rhythms) will be reversed, ie from morning to afternoon to evening to morning. This allows the body is lowered immunity in the morning where the seeds of disease and carcinogenic materials scattered in the air due to changes in temperature and wind. And that's when cancer cells undermine the body.

Food For Beauty :)

Want your face and body skin more fresh, young and beautiful? Try the following five healthy intake.

Not just a thick foundation or makeup makeup colors that make your face look beautiful. The food we eat also plays an important role in healthy skin of the face and body. Nutrition and properties contained in each food, absorbed into the body to below the skin surface. From now on, yuk, choose which foods to be "junk" or useful for the skin.

Good Fats

Fat is not always bad for the body. Apparently fat contained in olive oil, flaxseed oil (flazseed oil), and walnuts contain good fats that help maintain metabolism efficacious skin cell membranes. Also, it can restore skin moisture to be able to overcome the problem of dry skin.


Dietary fiber (dietary fiber) is a basic requirement that must be met. Use of fiber for the body is to aid digestion, remove toxins inside the body to keep it healthy and fresh. Fiber can be obtained by eating vegetables like broccoli, carrots and fruits such as apples, kiwi, and pears. We recommend eating fruits unpeeled, because the fiber needed for the body under his skin.

Oily fish

At the age of 30 upwards to worry about wrinkles faster? From now on oily fish such as mackerel and salmon should be your best friend. Because the content of Omega3 fatty acids found in fish is very high and contains antioxidants, which can provide the function of nerve and muscle stimulation to contract and tighten skin. Omega3 is also able to improve the health of skin cells to form the outer cell walls strong and keep skin healthy.

Beta Carotene

The content of anti-oxidants contained in the beta carotene can make the skin appear fresher, because it can ward off free radicals that cause dead skin cells, and inflammatory cells caused by ultraviolet light. Get the source of beta carotene in fruits such as mango, papaya, carrot and vegetable kale and spinach.


Want your skin smooth without wrinkles, spots or dark color? From now on multiply mengomsumsi isoflavone-containing foods, such as those found in soy beans and red beans. Isoflavone is a useful material for slowing wrinkles.

Black is Beautiful !!!

Who says women can not play dark color with makeup on her face? Scratches eart nuanced tone palette, such as copper, gold, beige, black, white and able to give the appearance of bold and glamorous.

Copper tinge

Shades of copper mixed with gold are able to make more vivid makeup and character

Copper-colored eye shadow brush mingled cream to all parts of the eye, allowing the eyes to bulge giving gold and beige highlights.

Apply a pale orange color palette mixed pink lip gloss to give a balance between the eye and lip makeup, to produce a more daring makeup.

Warm Cream

Games softer colors, like shades of beige-brown mix, capable of providing a charming view

Apply a cream-colored eye shadow on your entire eye, then a dark brown color pulaskan as highligt


Choose blush pink lips with pale, then give the outward appearance similar color lip gloss to give a fresh impression

Bye Bye Blackheads!

Smooth face is not enough, if the blackheads are still nesting and cover up the pores. So the face remains smooth and perfectly clean, rid of blackheads from face now!

Dirt stopper berbetuk these pores small, black or white. With blackheads, smooth face look dirty and dull. Blackheads appear a result of an accumulation of excess oil and dead skin cells. When cleaning your face, blackheads are often overlooked.

There are two types of comedones:
1. Blackhead (open comedones), looking like the enlarged pores and blackened. Blackheads are blackish in color due to oxidation by air.
2. Whiteheads (closed comedones), was behind the cuticle layer that clogged dirt and grease, looks like a small lump under the skin.
Usually, blackheads appear in the T area (forehead, nose, and chin), also under the eyes and cheeks. Do not remove blackheads by way of pressing, because it actually would stimulate a festering pimple that will exacerbate kondosi face, can even cause an infection.

TO MISSING Blackheads

- Know your Skin Type
Usually, blackheads easily appear on oily skin. By identifying the skin type, you can more easily select the appropriate facial cleanser products.

- Select the Right Cleaning
The right cleanser can make the skin really clean, fresh, and chewy. Give tolerance a month to test the effectiveness of the cleaners you use.

- Choose a moisturizer Matches
For normal and oily skin, use oil free moisturizer. Actually, the body has a natural system that can regulate skin moisture.

- Avoid products Comedogenic
Other products that can cause blackheads are cleansing milk, sunscreen, foundation, compact powder, made from ginseng shampoo and conditioner. Please note, the solid powder is a product that contains the most high-comedogenic. The use of solid powder is too long, not just blackheads, but can also cause acne.

- Healthy Living and Nutrition Fair
Enough sleep and rest, avoid stress. At the time of declining body condition, the germs easily enter the body.

- Facial
Facial be one way to eliminate blackheads completely and accurately. Perform regular facials and after the menstrual period. This is to avoid the occurrence and hormonal changes during menstrual sebasia glands, which produce oil more active.

- Diet
Limit eating chocolate, milk chocolate, durian, peanuts, eggs, cashew nuts, cheese, avocado, ripe mango, shellfish, cream powder, all kinds of milk (full cream, low or non fat), fried, coconut milk, and fatty meats.

- The Skin Doctor
If not wait and wanted to get rid of, just go to a dermatologist. Typically, doctors will recommend for facials and give certain medications. If komedonya very much, doctors will use laser technology assistance.

TIPS lift blackheads

1. Use Egg White
Take a little egg white, place in a container, shake until frothy. Spread around the nose or the facial blackheads. Cover with a napkin. Allow to dry completely. Remove the tissue slowly. In the inner tissues, will be seen spots blackheads lifted.
2. Vegetable and Bean Scrub Mask
• Blender kailan leaf, celery leaf, apples, mixed with lemon juice. Rub and massage gently scrub your face with these vegetables, then rinse.
•steam ur face with hot water which has been given 1 tablespoon of salt. Allow 10 minutes. Salt water steam will open pores, to widen blood vessels and capillaries under the skin smooth blood to the skin.
• Mix the soy bean juice and peas, use as a mask, leave on 30 minutes, rinse. Use several times.

9 Tips for Removing Acne

The face is the charm of every human being, whether male or female. It was first noticed when we meet someone is the face. therefore we must maintain the cleanliness of our faces. If we face such thing as acne appear, would be a nuisance to our appearance ... especially for women who always cares about beauty.

Acne will be tortured again because it often appears at puberty which he said most people is the most beautiful, as his girlfriend. how we can have a boyfriend if we face is a nest of acne? It must be difficult is not it? Here are tips that will make your acne disappear and will not bother your appearance anymore ::

1. Washing your face 2 times a day

Washing your face 2 times a day will help remove the oil on the surface of our skin. If we are rarely cleaned, the bacteria that cause acne will live abundantly in our faces. But remember .. do not wash face scrub face excessive especially since oil production will actually increase sobaceous which can cause skin problems on the face. Wash your face 2 times a day using a gentle soap.

2. Customize your cosmetics with your skin type

If your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin, if you use cosmetics that do not fit with your skin type .. acne will soon come to your facial skin. So be careful in choosing cosmetics.

3.Best to avoid oily cosmetics.

naturally we will face menmproduksi oil, even though dry skin. So as much as possible to avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be a media problem-causing bacteria to settle on our faces.

4. Dry your face with a clean towel after washing your face or shower, because the bacteria are also like a moist and warm place.

5. Drinking water

Almost 70% of our skin consists of water, with drinking water at least 2 liters a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.

6. Use a skin moisturizer

Using a moisturizer will help to nourish our skin, especially from dry and cracked skin. But here moisturizer that does not mean that greasy moisturizer .. it's a lot of cosmetic products that are water.

7. Always make sure your skin is clean before bed.

Always wash your face before bed to regenerate the skin well.

8. Frequently eat vegetables and fruit.

Vegetables contain many vitamins that nourish our skin. Expand eat vegetables or fruit, particularly those containing vitamin E. With a healthy skin, then acne would be difficult to grow and develop.

9. Adequate and regular sleep.

The skin is also just like us, need a break. So get used to a sufficient and regular sleep. Because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove harmful toxins so that when we wake up the next day we will be back to a fresh skin.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dangerous worms that live in the Human Intestine

Ascaris lumbricoides causes a disease called ascariasis. They live in the cavity of the human small intestine. Measuring 10-30 cm for male worms and 22-35 cm for female worms. One female worm Ascaris lumbricoides can multiply by producing 200,000 eggs each day. This worm eggs can be ingested by humans through contaminated food. These eggs will hatch in the intestine, and then develop into larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and into the lungs. The entry of larvae into the lungs of infected humans called Loeffler's syndrome. As adults, Ascaris lumbricoides will inhabit the human intestine and absorb food there, as well as grow and reproduce. This is what causes people to suffer malnutrition because of food intake continues to be absorbed by Ascaris lumbricoides. In Indonesia, people with ascariasis are dominated by children. The cause of this disease could be due to lack of use of toilet and habit of wearing feces as fertilizer.

Hookworm. This worm has two types of Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale. Hookworm called because formerly found in many mine workers in europe. Necator americanus cause disease nekatoriasis and ankilostomiasis Ancylostoma duodenale causes the disease. Both types of these worms to infect many people around the mines and plantations. N. americanus and A. duodenale live in the small intestine with oral cavity attached to the meat of the intestinal wall.

Necator americanus body like the letter S. The length of female worms approximately 1 cm. Every single worm can lay 9000 chickens per day. Meanwhile, male worm length approximately 0.8 cm. Ancylostoma duodenale is more similar to the letter C. Each tail Ancylostoma duodenale can produce 28,000 eggs per day.

Hookworm eggs out along with feces. Within 1 to 1.5 days, the eggs will hatch into larvae, called larvae rhabditiform. Three days later the larvae changed again into larvae filarifom where these larvae can penetrate the skin of the foot and into the human body. In the human body, hookworm move to follow the flow of blood, the heart, lungs, throat, then swallowed and enter the intestine. In the intestine, the larvae become adult worms that are ready to suck blood. Each tail worm N. americanus would remove 0.005 to 1 cc of blood per day, while each tail worm A. duodenale will cause people to lose 0.08 to 0.34 cc per day. Hence, hookworm become dangerous because it can cause anemia in humans.

In Indonesia, due to hookworm incidence higher in rural areas, especially plantations. Worm infection is caused by the habits of rural communities on the ground and discharging CHAPTER feces as fertilizer. In addition to passing foot, hookworms can also enter the human body through the food into the mouth.

Whip Worms. In the Latin whip worm called Trichuris trichiura. Name the disease it causes is called trikuriasis. Whip female worms measuring 5 cm long with rounded tail and male whip worms 4 cm in length with a circular tail. These worms live in human colon tops. Whip worm eggs measuring 50-54 microns. Someone will be infected trikuriasis if ingested eggs. In children, whip worms can be found all over the surface of the colon and rectum. This worm also causes a person affected by dysentery and anemia.

Strongyloides stercoralis. These types of worms harmful to infants because it can be transmitted through breast milk. Strongyloides stercoralis lives in tropical and subtropical climates. Only the female worm of this type of worms that live as parasites in the human intestine, especially in the duodenum and yeyunum. Eggs hatch in the intestine glands, then out with the feces in the form of larvae rhabditiform. These larvae will turn into larvae filariform if already in the ground. However, filariform larvae can also form in the intestine, causing internal infection called autoinfeksi. There are three types strongiloiddiasis (name of disease caused strongyloides stercoralis,-ed) is a mild type, the type of medium, and heavy type. This type of light does not give any symptoms. On the type of medium, can cause disruption of the digestive tract, usually in the bowel symptoms. If already on the type or severe infection, patients experience disturbances in almost all body systems so that it can cause death.

Pinworms. Diseases caused by pinworms Enterobiasis known as the Latin name of Enterobious vermicularis pinworm. The spread of pinworms occurs more frequently in areas with cold. Female pinworms size 8-13 mm x 0.44 mm with a long tail and pointy while the male pinworms 2-5 mm size with a circular tail. This worm's life cycle bekisar between 2 weeks to 2 months. Transmission Pinworms occur between families and groups in a similar environment. Transmission is affected by dust and spread from mouth to hand.

Trichinella spiralis. This worm attacks the human intestine. For people who like to eat pork raw or undercooked, it is likely to suffer greater trikiniasis disease. Therefore, pork meat as a carrier, trikiniasis rarely mengonfeksi society with a majority Muslim population. Trichinella spiralis adult finely shaped like hair. They live in the small intestine with a length of 3-4 mm for female worms and 1.5 mm for male worms. The larvae of this worm can infect the muscles resulting in muscle aches and sore muscles. Infection with Trichinella spiralis larval weight, which contains more than 5,000 larvae per kg of body weight, can cause death within a period of 2-3 weeks.


Snort. Sobbing. Sneezing. Exposed to a cold or the flu (influenza) would not be pleasant or healthy. We feel pain and should not attend school, the workplace and other things are important. The bad news is that there is no treatment to cure a cold or flu. The good news is that there are many things we can do to prevent it from falling sick. Follow the following simple tips to stay healthy all year.

- Cover mouth when coughing. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. Use a tissue, then discard the tissue, or sneeze on your sleeve.

- Wash your hands.
Hand washing is the number one way to prevent the spread of disease. Wash with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with alcohol. Remember, wash your hands
save lives!

- Stay at home when you're sick. If you fall ill, do not spread to other people. Avoid from being close to others. If you can,

- Stay home and not to the school and the workplace, or perform tasks when you're sick. Also, if you take care of yourself, you will heal faster.

- Get your flu immunization. The best way to prevent flu is to get
flu immunization each year. In October or November is the best time to get flu shots, but you still may receive injections at month
December or later.


With nearly 1 of every 10 people in the U.S. have diabetes, most of us
know someone who is suffering from this disease.

However, do you know what is diabetes?

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is when the body does not produce enough insulin or use (a hormone). Insulin helps the body process the sugar (or glucose) into energy needed by your body.

False: Diabetes is caused by eating sweets. Not true. Eating candy is not
resulting in diabetes. However, overweight and less active can cause you more likely to suffer from diabetes. The most common type of diabetes (Type 2) can be prevented or delayed with a healthy lifestyle.

False: Diabetes only affects your blood. Not true. Diabetes can affect almost any part of your body. Diabetes can cause other problems if not controlled. Diabetes can lead to heart disease or heart attacks, vision problems, kidney damage and loss of feet or toes. These things are less likely to happen if you make sure that the rate of sugar or your blood glucose
within the normal range (80-120).

False: If I have diabetes, I would not be healthy again. Not true. The good news is that people with diabetes can live healthy with healthy eating, taking medication, exercise, not overweight and met with health care providers. Please talk with your health care provider if diabetes inherited in your family, or if you experience:
• Blurred vision
• once Haus
• Frequent urination
• Losing weight for no reason
• Weak or tired

Tips to Overcome The Difficult Child to Eat

Your toddler fussy eaters? Do not be emotional. Think calmly and set strategy. Here are some tips that can be utilized:

1. For mothers who work, take a little while but qualified for feeding her child. Because, in fact the children are very understanding when her mother worked.
2. Give psychological satisfaction to the child according to age, and make for happy mood, for example, children eat while walking, saw the train, and others. The main problem was difficult to eat children 6 months to 2 years. Originally age''was passed with good, God willing in the future there is no problem.'', Said Soeroyo.
3. By the time parents both mother and father came home from work, the first time that must be held or addressed is his son. Do not the other.
4. Do not force children to eat until feeding, pinching or even glaring. What if the child does not like vegetables, tofu, tempeh, and other nutritious foods? Soeroyo suggested children should 'dilaparkan' first. ''But, we prepare our food that has been programmed, then gradually he will want, but it needs nurturing, discipline.'',
he explained.
5. Should we apply as early as possible the educational rewards and punishments. For example, when children want to eat praised, encouraged a walk, kiss, hug. When you do not want to eat, say, for example, mother or father did not want to see television together, not going for a walk again.
6. In the four-month-old child after the sixth month, both were given instant porridge provided that the child was allergic to milk. After a six-month-old child, better make the porridge itself, because there are various choices of vegetables and side dishes that can reduce the saturation taste. For example, the liver with spinach, and carrots with tempeh, kale with tofu, and so forth. However, if the food the child has diarrhea or vomiting then the menu should be evaluated.
7. At the time the baby is experiencing changes in foods such as six months, nine months a year, he will feel strange feeling because it feels so sometimes played played like spit, it must be entered again. The principle is if the food is vomited, had a little bit and the food should be more fluid again.
8. In the case of children who have mental disorders are manifestations of the stomach with vomiting can be solved approximately after three years. However, such cases are rare and do not be a problem origin nutritional needs, calorie, fat, adequate protein.

How to Overcome Stress

For some, success is not always only bring positive things. The more successful a person generally will be increasingly crowded schedule, and no doubt his life will be more susceptible to diseases such thing as 'Stress'.

Each promotion will always be accompanied by additional responsibilities which incidentally also means additional stress. The challenge is how to handle the stress of this disease? "Every successful person must have a powerful way to cope with stress", said Dr. Woodson Merrell of Beth Israel Hospital, New York. "Only those who have a favorable view of the situation the worst that can cope with stress so that stress disease is not to cause increased risk of heart disease." he added. But everyone, whether consciously or not, need this stress disease in a certain amount.

In the right quantities, this stress diseases can provide motivation and to hone their intelligence also helps them to remain vigilant and alert in the face of any situation that may arise. Imagine life without stress, sunbathing on the beach with white sand and listened to the singing waves, accompanied by a glass of fresh drink. It may sound beautiful? Maybe.

But imagine if you need to live like this for the rest of your life? With a life like this, you will not be motivated to do anything and achieve any goal in your life. Conversely, living in a state of constant stress is also not a good idea. Prolonged stress this will cause your body to produce large amounts of the hormone cortisol which has been shown to cause us to lose cognitive function and cause our immune system is weak.

Stress does not only have negative effects on health but also will cause us to behave badly toward the people around us. For what life in the stress of prolonged even though you are successful if in the end because of the stress you have to lose the people you care about and even die prematurely of a heart attack? So the ideal is to have stress in sufficient quantities to help us stay focused but also has powerful ways to overcome this stress so that disease does not control our lives.

Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
One way is by many considered the most powerful and most rapidly to cope with stress is to consume alcoholic beverages. While excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages will cause you vulnerable to various diseases and in many cases will also cause problems in your domestic life. Consuming alcohol and cigarettes is not a good and effective way to heal yourself from stress.

Here are 10 healthy ways to cope with the stress of the survey results

1. Accupressure massage-massage at some point will help you stimulate healing points. This procedure is great for helping you relax and help relieve fatigue. Accupressure also been shown to help people to sleep more soundly at night.

2. Exercise Exercise is very effective to help cope with stress because exercise will accelerate blood circulation and open heart to receive more oxygen. Exercise will also help you to be able to sleep more soundly at night. The energy released when we exercise will also stimulate our body to produce more endorphins which are hormones that cause us to feel happy.

3. Hobby If someone is experiencing severe stress, it is a good way to release stress is to channel it in the form of hobby. Hobbies that involve many people in one group are also highly recommended because this hobby will be very conducive to one's social life.

4. Drinking Water Only drink one or two glasses of water will greatly help you to be more relaxed and with a bodily fluid enough, you will be spared from fatigue and exhaustion which would further exacerbate the situation if you stress.

5. Massage If massage is the best way for you to escape from stress, then start lighting candles and doing aromatherapy massage after you work all day. Massage is not only a powerful way to soothe your mind and your soul after your day of activities, but also can help to stretch tired muscles and stimulate blood circulation. Even massage, gentle massage and lighter than your husband will help you to sleep better.

6. Meditation Experts say that the most powerful way to cope with stress is meditation. Because meditation can help one to clear your mind and concentrate on the serenity of its surroundings. It has been proven that meditating for 15 minutes to give rest and peace which is more than a deep sleep for 1 hour. But in fact only 1-2 minutes of meditation each day is to provide exceptional positive effect for you. Begin by sitting upright and empty your mind. Meditation will help us to forget the thoughts and fears that cause us to become stressed.

7. Eating foods that bergiziPada when we are in good stress, eat regularly and foods that contain low carbohydrate will help maintain blood sugar balance. Eating foods that contain too much carbohydrate is not a good thing because it will increase the content of insulin in the blood that will cause you to feel tired.

8. Sex If you still do not know, sex is an effective way to cure almost anything, including the stress!

9. Sleep Fatigue is not a good condition to cope with stress. The condition of lack of sleep will make you see the problem of excessive and aggravate the situation.

10. Therapy By visiting a therapist on a regular basis will really help you cope with stress.

Healthy How to Overcome Obesity

When is a person is considered obese? Obesity is characterized by excess fat in the body that occurs because the calories in greater than calories out. To find out, you can use the Body Mass Index (BMI) where weight (kg) divided by height (in meters squared). Categorized as normal if BMI is between 15.5 to 24.9 kg/m2. BMI> 25 kg/m2 and overweight when BMI> 30 kg/m2, including obesity.

With increasing BMI values, normal risk of obesity comorbidities also increased due to obesity can elicit a variety of health problems, especially heart disease, high blood pressure, constriction of blood vessels, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, etc.Compared with men obesity risk in women is usually higher, this is due to because of the possibility of several factors including: levels of fat in the body is higher mainly buried in the chest and lower body, the energy tends to be a little burned because the muscle mass of women who function as 'burners' main smaller than men, as well as hormonal influences in every phase of reproduction.

Overcoming Obesity

Balanced diet and regular physical activity accompanied by strong will and support from the people closest is the key to successful weight loss. Low Calorie Diet Balanced with a composition of 60-70% carbohydrate, protein and fat 10-15% 20-30% of total caloric intake per day is recommended.

Fat is the largest producer of calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein, so avoid. One gram of fat contains 9 Kal, while 1 gram of carbohydrate / protein containing 4 Kal. It is conceivable, how many calories you consume in one serving of fast food (fast food).

There is no one diet program that can provide results within a short time, all require time and patience, because the key is to change our own behavior, weight loss program is the integration of three factors namely: diet, exercise and behavioral changes, the goal for weight loss can stable in the long term even if you can for life.

Perform a physical activity or exercise because in addition to helping lose weight faster, your body will be more healthy and fit, because obesity is a disease and not a mere cosmetic problem.

About Me

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a young cheerful and powerful girl. A dreamer, a hard worker :)