Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why Time Fat Excess That naughty?

It's furiously working out, weight is a lot missing, but why there is still a stubborn extra fats that sag? According to health experts and physicians, could be the reason there are on your way to exercise.

"Most women assume that 30 minutes of exercise will change the shape of her body, but in fact it does not happen automatically," said Geralyn Coopersmith, senior national manager of Equinox Fitness Training Research, as quoted from Prevention. The reason, if we focus and quite clever use of half an hour exercise, there are other things that can optimize the results of his training. Here are the tips:

1. Posture

Exercise a high level it can burn more fat, but it will not happen if you continue to hold on to the handle of the iron. More important to prioritize and focus on posture, even if this means reducing your exercise intensity. When you hold and the body arched forward, you'll use a little muscle and burn fewer calories.

Similarly, when doing strength training or weight lifting, body posture helps you burn more calories and train muscles better.

2. Exercising while dehydrated

When exercising, drink water is very important. Almost every cell in our body consist of water. Without the fluid, the brain can not function efficiently during exercise. That is, you will feel more tired and found it difficult to exercise. Dehydration reduces the level of anabolic hormones that your body needs to build strong muscles. In the days of exercise, drink about 2-3 glasses of about 1-2 hours before exercise. Then drink little by little during exercise and after exercise to restore fluids lost during exercise.

3. No focus during exercise

As you walk on a treadmill, what do you do? Reading books or watching television? If these things help you be motivated to move much faster, please do. However, please note, reading or do things that make you not focus in training can lead to reduced exercise intensity and thwart efforts to burn calories in large quantities.

Rather than read, reply SMS, or watch television while running on the treadmill, it's better to listen to the songs enthusiastically. According to research at Brunel University in London, runners who listen to the songs motivational rock or pop style can enhance the spirit of sport around 15 percent and feel more comfortable doing that sport.

4. Do not like sports activities

Though promising a lot of calories to be burnt, if you do not like the activity gym, you will not benefit from exercise. If you burn 300 calories every time you exercise, but you do not like their activities, the more likely for you to avoid the class every week.

Better to choose the style or type of exercise that you like instead of choosing the type that makes you feel obliged and forced to do so. Try searching for ways to make exercise more fun that you like, for example by referring friends.

5. Skip strength training

More than 80 percent of women spent strength training (lifting weights). Once the results of a survey conducted by the Goods Manufacturers Association. If you are one woman who also spent strength training, it could be a reason why you would not go the scales show weight reduction.

Strength training can promote metabolism, plus more, matching those of aerobic exercise and strength training than those who eat only a little cardio workout. Sports combinations can increase satiety hormones and encourages the body's ability to digest and stabilize blood sugar levels.

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