Ascaris lumbricoides causes a disease called ascariasis. They live in the cavity of the human small intestine. Measuring 10-30 cm for male worms and 22-35 cm for female worms. One female worm Ascaris lumbricoides can multiply by producing 200,000 eggs each day. This worm eggs can be ingested by humans through contaminated food. These eggs will hatch in the intestine, and then develop into larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and into the lungs. The entry of larvae into the lungs of infected humans called Loeffler's syndrome. As adults, Ascaris lumbricoides will inhabit the human intestine and absorb food there, as well as grow and reproduce. This is what causes people to suffer malnutrition because of food intake continues to be absorbed by Ascaris lumbricoides. In Indonesia, people with ascariasis are dominated by children. The cause of this disease could be due to lack of use of toilet and habit of wearing feces as fertilizer.
Hookworm. This worm has two types of Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale. Hookworm called because formerly found in many mine workers in europe. Necator americanus cause disease nekatoriasis and ankilostomiasis Ancylostoma duodenale causes the disease. Both types of these worms to infect many people around the mines and plantations. N. americanus and A. duodenale live in the small intestine with oral cavity attached to the meat of the intestinal wall.
Necator americanus body like the letter S. The length of female worms approximately 1 cm. Every single worm can lay 9000 chickens per day. Meanwhile, male worm length approximately 0.8 cm. Ancylostoma duodenale is more similar to the letter C. Each tail Ancylostoma duodenale can produce 28,000 eggs per day.
Hookworm eggs out along with feces. Within 1 to 1.5 days, the eggs will hatch into larvae, called larvae rhabditiform. Three days later the larvae changed again into larvae filarifom where these larvae can penetrate the skin of the foot and into the human body. In the human body, hookworm move to follow the flow of blood, the heart, lungs, throat, then swallowed and enter the intestine. In the intestine, the larvae become adult worms that are ready to suck blood. Each tail worm N. americanus would remove 0.005 to 1 cc of blood per day, while each tail worm A. duodenale will cause people to lose 0.08 to 0.34 cc per day. Hence, hookworm become dangerous because it can cause anemia in humans.
In Indonesia, due to hookworm incidence higher in rural areas, especially plantations. Worm infection is caused by the habits of rural communities on the ground and discharging CHAPTER feces as fertilizer. In addition to passing foot, hookworms can also enter the human body through the food into the mouth.
Whip Worms. In the Latin whip worm called Trichuris trichiura. Name the disease it causes is called trikuriasis. Whip female worms measuring 5 cm long with rounded tail and male whip worms 4 cm in length with a circular tail. These worms live in human colon tops. Whip worm eggs measuring 50-54 microns. Someone will be infected trikuriasis if ingested eggs. In children, whip worms can be found all over the surface of the colon and rectum. This worm also causes a person affected by dysentery and anemia.
Strongyloides stercoralis. These types of worms harmful to infants because it can be transmitted through breast milk. Strongyloides stercoralis lives in tropical and subtropical climates. Only the female worm of this type of worms that live as parasites in the human intestine, especially in the duodenum and yeyunum. Eggs hatch in the intestine glands, then out with the feces in the form of larvae rhabditiform. These larvae will turn into larvae filariform if already in the ground. However, filariform larvae can also form in the intestine, causing internal infection called autoinfeksi. There are three types strongiloiddiasis (name of disease caused strongyloides stercoralis,-ed) is a mild type, the type of medium, and heavy type. This type of light does not give any symptoms. On the type of medium, can cause disruption of the digestive tract, usually in the bowel symptoms. If already on the type or severe infection, patients experience disturbances in almost all body systems so that it can cause death.
Pinworms. Diseases caused by pinworms Enterobiasis known as the Latin name of Enterobious vermicularis pinworm. The spread of pinworms occurs more frequently in areas with cold. Female pinworms size 8-13 mm x 0.44 mm with a long tail and pointy while the male pinworms 2-5 mm size with a circular tail. This worm's life cycle bekisar between 2 weeks to 2 months. Transmission Pinworms occur between families and groups in a similar environment. Transmission is affected by dust and spread from mouth to hand.
Trichinella spiralis. This worm attacks the human intestine. For people who like to eat pork raw or undercooked, it is likely to suffer greater trikiniasis disease. Therefore, pork meat as a carrier, trikiniasis rarely mengonfeksi society with a majority Muslim population. Trichinella spiralis adult finely shaped like hair. They live in the small intestine with a length of 3-4 mm for female worms and 1.5 mm for male worms. The larvae of this worm can infect the muscles resulting in muscle aches and sore muscles. Infection with Trichinella spiralis larval weight, which contains more than 5,000 larvae per kg of body weight, can cause death within a period of 2-3 weeks.
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