Since its launch February 4, 2004, the social networking site facebook has captivated the hearts of millions of users. Starting school students, housewives, celebrities, to politicians, social networking now has a facebook. Thanks to advances in technology, now we can update your facebook status and comment on photos every time. It was, there are now
less if every day did not go to this site and do activities "facebook-ing."
Benefits facebook is not only socially, but also a means of communication, looking for work, to the campaign. Unfortunately busy fiddling with facebook make a lot of people now spend more time than work. No wonder that many companies have started implementing the policy of blocking the site was in office. A study also showed a link between facebook with the increasing divorce rate in England and Australia.
Well, if you include the people whose lives begin to be controlled facebook? Consider the following 10 signs.
1. Facebook has become the internet homepage on your computer or your laptop.
2. You change the status of more than two times a day and diligent comment on the change status of a friend.
3. List your friends already exceeded the figure of 500 persons and the other half is almost unknown.
4. When you're away from your computer, check your facebook via BlackBerry, iPhone or other smart phone.
5. Diligent reading a friend's profile for more than two times a day, although he did not send a message or to tag you in photos.
6. You change the profile photo more than 12 times.
7. You are reading this article while checking facebook.
8. You clean the "wall" to make it look old does not Log In to your Facebook Account.
9. You become a member of more than 10 groups and respond to every invitation though actually not interested.
10. You change your relationship status only to increase the popularity of facebook.
Some Additional Features ..
11. Most came to the office and the Most Fast Slow Home.
12. Sleep late and sleepy afternoon, eyes glazed as many stay up.
13. Most annoyed when i die Lights.
14. Computers / Laptop equipped for Fan cooller Online continues
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