Monday, March 21, 2011

Stayed Up Late Trigger Cancer ??

Did you know, stayed up late can cause various serious diseases. And, really staying out could be replaced with a nap?

If you've undergone a healthy diet and regular exercise, but doctors found several serious illnesses in your body, it could be your sleep pattern that became the base of the problem.

Negative Impact

People who are accustomed to staying up late (less sleep), usually will feel some effects such as:

- The condition of unstable emotions so easily offended, easily depressed, sensitive.

- Ability kongnitifnya disturbed that the accuracy, analytical ability, and creativity diminished.

- Sympathetic nervous system (the nervous system stress) increases and can cause blood pressure, blood sugar and appetite increases as well. So, for people who are in a diet program or did not want his body fat, it is advisable to not stay up.

Disturbance in the above not only applies to adults, but also children. "Many parents think, to maintain the condition of her son's body to stay healthy is by keeping her diet. Actually, this idea is not quite right. It is better, parents also maintain hours of sleep a child with a tight, because your metabolism work harder when we are asleep, "advises Andrew.

Age appropriate

Spend enough time during the eight hours of sleep? Andrew said, different ages, different also in the needs of hours sleep.

Age above 30 years need about 7-8 hours sleep. While the teens to young adults, 8.5 to 9.15 hours of sleep. And, primary and junior children need 10-11 hours of sleep.

With the proper sleeping hours, academic achievement and athletic ability of children will increase. This is in line with research by Mary Cash Kadon (pioneer of sleep research on school-age teenagers.) He said: Children who slept enough to have endurance, muscle reflexes, concentration, and the attendance is better.

Replace with Afternoon Sleep

The presumption should not take a nap in order not to stay up at night, is true. However, for people who've already stayed up late, it's good to change the hours of nighttime sleep by napping. The duration of a nap can be tailored to the biological needs.

Also avoid foods and beverages that contain high caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas, and sports drinks).

And, for those who like coffee, you'll want to consume coffee 12 hours before bedtime. Also, avoid exercising in the evening, because it would only make adrenaline (triggering the spirit of the brain to work) increases.

Got any Piket Body Clock

Apparently, the organ of our bodies work endlessly for 24 hours to keep the body metabolism healthy and neat.

This system is called the picket schedule body or internal body clock (circadian rhyth other name). If there is only one organ that does not operate properly, health problems such as obesity, diabetes, insomnia, depression, heart disease and cancer can occur.

Here's the explanation:

In the morning and afternoon, the body requires a lot of nutritional intake. So, do not miss the breakfast for the spleen to work optimally distribute the nutrients to be absorbed the body.

By at 1 pm to 3 pm, the regeneration of liver cells occurs. Here ward off heart disease. This lasted until 2 hours later until the disposal of toxins carried. Then, the next two hours, the process of brain growth and formation of bone marrow done.

At 7 pm to 9 pm, do not eat a heavy meal but do not skip dinner because stomach to keep working even though mild. So choose snacks.

Metabolic processes do not stop there, and this explains why sleep is so important. Two hours later, the process of disposal of toxic re-done. Should we rest or sleep to get optimal results.

Around 11 pm until 1 am, do not waste time by staying up late, the article of the gall bladder is in the process in the body detox. If you are forced to keep working or stay up, cardiac function is compromised.

Toxins produced by the new detox process will be disposed of at 3 in the morning. Of course, to obtain maximum results as well, this process must take place in a deep sleep state. Thereafter until 5 am, turn to the lungs remove toxins. If your lungs is interrupted, you'll be coughing, sneezing, and sweating on the clock. This means that the cleaning process had reached the respiratory tract.

Toward morning, familiarize yourself defecating on a regular basis, to remove food scraps found in the colon.

Stayed Up Late Vs Cancer

Steve Richard's research is reported by The Lancet Oncology (medical journal) states, an association of cancer and stay up. It is also revealed David Spiegel, MD., Which examined the sleep habits.

Two of these studies are equally conclude, if we do not meet adequate sleep, can cause hormonal imbalances that affect the immune system, particularly in the development of damaged cells that should be destroyed by immune cells.

The translation is like this, your metabolism increased in the morning and decreasing at night. When someone "forced" to stay awake at night, his body will pump as much blood as possible and encourage the immune system to enhance the immune cells like T cells (lymphocytes contained in white blood cells) and CD4 (immune cell present in lymphocytes).

If this is done continuously, body cycle regulated by the brain's biological clock (circadian rhythms) will be reversed, ie from morning to afternoon to evening to morning. This allows the body is lowered immunity in the morning where the seeds of disease and carcinogenic materials scattered in the air due to changes in temperature and wind. And that's when cancer cells undermine the body.

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