Saturday, April 23, 2011

When Severe Acne, Antibiotics are the HERO !

Sometimes severe acne that does not work with regular medications. Some cases of acne sometimes get treatment with antibiotics. But the provision of hard drugs should not be carelessly be with permission doctor.

Not all cases of acne require treatment with antibiotics, because antibiotics are generally given if the patient has severe acne levels, in this case severity assessed by the examining physician.

Generally acne is quite severe, including nodular and cystic acne. In such cases dermatologists will prescribe antibiotics, especially if the stains that appear to be at risk of serious infection. But if the acne is only on the surface of the antibiotics are not needed.

Antibiotics are given to work with some mechanism, but the most important thing is to reduce the number of bacteria in and around the follicle, as quoted from, Saturday (04/23/2011).

The function of other antibiotics is to reduce the chemical irritation produced by white blood cells, reducing the concentration of free fatty acids in the sebum and reduce the inflammatory response (inflammation).

There are several antibiotics that are usually given to cope with acne are:

This most widely prescribed antibiotics for acne, dose is given more and more reduced in line with a visible reduction in acne lesions. But antibiotics should not be given to pregnant women or children under the age of 9 years.


This antibiotic has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness in lesions (sores), acne and kill bacteria. Dosages vary depending on the type used. But antibiotics can cause abdominal pain and nausea.


This antibiotic is a derivative of tetracycline that effectively been used as an acne treatment. The initial dose given is usually 50-100 mg per day. But the side effects that emerge usually change the color of skin and teeth if consumed for long periods.

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